Easy Saucy Cheese and Mac Recipe,

Do you ever have days when you have no time to cook? When it seems dinner sneaks up on you and you have a bunch of hungry kids asking, “When is dinner? What are we having for dinner?” On those nights I have a kitchen secret. I open what my family calls “the pantry o’ plenty” and pull out a box of Hamburger Helper.  It’s fast and easy. Seriously, Bryan, who couldn’t boil water when we got married, learned to make this as one of his first dishes.  Plus, the kids will never say no to a dish with noodles. It’s the one thing I know they will all agree, although everyone might ask for a different flavor. I even have special add-ins to make a custom hamburger helper recipe; including this one for Saucy Beef and Cheese.

saucy mac and cheese

Start by slicing an onion and a green pepper and sauteing them in a small amount of butter, oil or cooking spray.  I usually add garlic to the mix too because I am a huge garlic fan. No vampires around for this chick!
hamburger helper

I prepare a box of Cheeseburger Hamburger Helper as directed on the package and add the onion, pepper and garlic mixture while it cooks. When the Hamburger Helper is ready, I add a jar of salsa and top with shredded cheese.

I usually serve this with a salad and rolls. I can have dinner on the table in around 30 minutes and can even delegate cooking to the kids if I want.  (This rarely works.)


What could make this easy family dinner even better?

Do you have a favorite quick dinner recipe?


  1. I like the Cheeseburger Macaroni flavor.

  2. Charlene Kuser

    My favorite hamburger helper is the Lasagna

  3. Most of all, I like the Beef Stoganoff upon all choices.

  4. Cheeseburger macaroni was my favorite as a kid.

  5. Cheeseburger Macaroni is my favorite.

  6. Jennifer Herman

    We like the double cheeseburger.

  7. I love the Beef Stroganoff1

  8. my favorite is the cheeseburger macaroni

  9. Ingrid Jackson

    It’s been years since I used Hamburger Helper until last week and I bought the mac and cheese hamburger helper.

  10. We like Cheeseburger Macaroni

  11. shanta spradlin

    My children like the three cheese

  12. Stephanie Larison

    My family loves the beef pasta flavor. There’s never any leftovers with it!

  13. I like the cheeseburger helper.

  14. Francine Anchondo

    I like the cheeseburger macaroni

  15. Melanie Montgomery

    Turkey and Broccoli Cheeseburger Macaroni

  16. I like the Cheddar Cheese Melt flavor

  17. Kings Kingdom Combo.

  18. I stick with the beef stroganoff

  19. I like the Three Cheese Hamburger Helper.

  20. Suzanne Keisling

    My kids love Hamburger Helper’s Cheeseburger Macaroni.

  21. I like the double cheeseburger one.

  22. My favorite is the Hamburger Helper Creamy Stroganoff Ultimate.

  23. samantha ramos

    My favorite is the beef stroganoff!

  24. Jayne G (momznite)

    Years ago, Beef Stroganoff Hamburger Helper was a favorite, but I eat differently now.

  25. My favorite is beef stroganoff.

  26. One of our favorite Hamburger Helper’s is the Cheeseburger Macaroni.

  27. Samantha Daleo

    My families favorite Hamburger Helper meal has always been the Stroganoff.

  28. LOVE the Stoganoff 🙂

  29. Brenda Robinson

    I like cheeseburger macaroni

  30. We really enjoy cheeseburger hamburger helper… yum!

  31. My favorite Hamburger Helper meal is Bacon Cheeseburger for sure. Add some taco seasoning on top of that and it’s AMAZING. Thanks for this giveaway!

  32. Our favorite is cheeseburger macaroni

  33. I like the Cheese Lover’s Lasagna

  34. I like the cheeseburger variety.

  35. Linda Lansford

    Beef Stroganoff is my fave

  36. iamalighthouse

    I like the beef pasta one!

  37. Cheeseburger Macaroni is my favorite



  39. Cheeseburger Mac and Cheese is a favorite in my family.

  40. the beef pasta one

  41. Michelle Levine

    My favorite is cheeseburger macaroni

  42. I don’t eat meat anymore, but when I did, my favorite was Bacon Cheeseburger. Thank you for the giveaway!

  43. I like the Cheeseburger Macaroni.

  44. I love cheeseburger macaroni. It is our families favorite.

  45. I have honestly never tried hamburger helper, but I really want to now!

  46. I love Hamburger Helper. It’s a quick and easy meal

  47. I like the Cheeseburger Mac the best. I add onions and green peppers to mine.

  48. I like Beef Pasta.

  49. Lauren Olivia Wood

    Cheeseburger Macaroni is my favorite Hamburger Helper!

  50. The link to the rebate page is broken, but the Turkey Creole Lasagna looks good.

  51. tuna helper noodle casarole!

  52. My family loves the Beef Stroganoff.

  53. the rebate page wasn’t working for me, but my fave HH is Beef Stroganoff.

  54. Anastasia Falling

    Cheeseburger Macaroni is always a hit when we have hamburger helper 🙂

  55. My favorite (well, my husband’s, so it’s the one that gets made) is the four cheese lasagna hamburger helper 🙂

  56. My favorite is the Cheesy Italian Shells.

  57. I like the cheeseburger macaroni.

  58. Cheese Lover’s Lasagna is my favorite

  59. The lasagne version is pretty darn tasty.

  60. My favorite Hamburger Helper meal is the Potatoes Stroganoff.

  61. I like the Stroganoff!

  62. Cheeseburger Pasta!!!

  63. My favorite Hamburger Helper meal is the Cheeseburger Pasta. I also love the lasagna flavor.

  64. I have never had Hamburger Helper, so I can’t say what my favorite flavor is. However, this rebate inspired me try some flavors out! I chose Beef Stroganoff and Beef Pasts.

  65. The one the whole family likes is Cheeseburger Macaroni.

  66. I like Hamburger Helper Stroganoff .

  67. the philly cheese steak

  68. We love using the Bacon Cheeseburger flavor Hamburger Helper

  69. I like the cheeseburger macaroni the most.

  70. My favorite is the Beef Stroganoff Hamburger Helper.

  71. It would have to be Cheeseburger Macaroni.

  72. Pingback: $10 Paypal Giveaway | Just Sweep

  73. My husbands favorite hamburger helper meal is Beef Strogonoff

  74. My favorite is the cheeseburger macaroni.

    kport207 at gmail dot com

  75. I love Hamburger Helper Stroganoff.

  76. My favorite is Betty Crocker Hamburger Helper Creamy Stroganoff Ultimate.

  77. we like cheeseburger mac

  78. I like the beef pasta one 🙂

  79. I like cheeseburger macaroni

  80. My favorite is Lasagna Hamburger Helper

  81. My favorite is cheeseburger macaroni

  82. Cheese Lover’s Lasagna is my favorite Hamburger Helper meal

  83. I haven’t had Hamburger Helper in years. That meal looks delicious!

  84. Adding salsa is an interesting touch! I would not have thought of that! I bet it is really delicious!

  85. Got my free rebate coupon, woot! I’m excited, meat is not cheap, it’s nice to get money back on it for a change. 🙂

  86. I love Hamburger Helper. Such quick meals for the family on the go.

  87. Although I have been tempted many times to make it, I have never used Hamburger helper. I think it time I tried it.

  88. I have to admit I do love mac and cheese and these sounds like a perfect way to enjoy it – I must give it a whirl.

  89. This looks so good. My family and I love mac and cheese. It is the perfect comfort food and a great meal on a spring or fall day.

  90. That looks really good! My husband loves Hamburger Helper and it’s a great easy meal to make for busy families. I have never thought about adding salsa but I am going to do that next time we have hh. 🙂

  91. This looks good. I haven’t had this in a long time. I bought a box of it recently, but haven’t made it yet.

  92. I didn’t even finish reading the article before I headed over to print the offer. The day just seems to speed by before I’ve even thought of dinner! Hamburger Helper and a great rebate are going to put me ahead of the game.

  93. Goodness me! That looks super tasty. I haven’t had Hamburger Helper in so long, but I remember my kids just loved it so I’ll have to pick some up! This looks so good.

  94. This sounds really good and you can’t beat free ground beef. I will add this to my grocery list.

  95. I used to use Hamburger helper before. I haven’t used it in years.

  96. Love mac and cheese, I stay away from the boxed stuff but it’s always always a plus here when made. Even better with beef, so this looks really great

  97. The cost of beef is so high that I imagine lots of people will take advantage of this offer.

  98. The original beef pasta is the only one my family will eat. But they love it! I’ll definitely sign up fur this rebate, thank you.

  99. Oh my!! That looks very good. I used to make something like this from scratch. But using Hamburger Helper would make it so much easier to prepare.