10 Amazing Baking Hacks That Really Work

Cooking can be a chore. You have to do it every day. Sometimes it’s daunting. From finding rock-hard brown sugar when you’re trying to make cookies to wondering how to get eggs to room temperature quickly, you know there has to be an easier way. And you’re right! These 10 Amazing Baking Hacks that Really Work will save you time, money, and frustration. Ready to get started? Let’s jump in!

10 Amazing Baking Hacks

10 Amazing Baking Hacks

  1. Tired of having rock-hard brown sugar? To prevent it, toss two to three marshmallows in your bag or container. They’ll help absorb any moisture that will dry out your brown sugar. I’ve also been told a prune will work just as well, although I haven’t tried that one yet. Bonus tip: Be sure the storage container is airtight. If using a storage bag, squeeze out any remaining air and press the bag flat before storing it.

2. If the brown sugar is already rock-hard, place it into a microwave-safe dish. Cover with a damp paper towel and microwave on high for 20 seconds. It should be good as new!

3. Tired of trying to get honey or other sticky liquid out of your measuring cup? Spray the cup with nonstick cooking spray (like PAM) before adding the honey or other liquid. It will slide right out!

4. Has your honey crystallized? Place it in a bowl of warm (not boiling or hot, just very warm) water for 20 minutes. It will liquefy again.

how to save crystallized honey

5. Out of powdered sugar? Make your own! All you need is 1 cup of granulated (regular) sugar and 1 tablespoon of cornstarch. Add these to a blender and pulse until blended. You’ll have 1 cup of powdered sugar in around 20 seconds! You can double or triple the recipe too!

how to make powdered sugar

6. Need to bring eggs to room temperature fast? Place them in a bowl of warm (not hot or boiling) water for 3 minutes. Bonus tip: Eggs are easier to crack and will separate more easily if you crack them on a flat surface and not on the edge of the bowl.

7. Make your own brown sugar. We seem to have a lot of tips for brown sugar, don’t we? That’s because I always have it on hand. To make light brown sugar, use 1 cup granulated sugar and 1 tablespoon molasses. To make dark brown sugar, use 1 cup granulated sugar and 2 tablespoons molasses. This will make one cup. You can double or triple the recipe if you like.

How to Make Brown Sugar

8. How to Pack Brown Sugar– Sometimes recipes call for “so much of a cup of packed brown sugar.” To do this, place the brown sugar in a measuring cup. Tamp it down with the back of a spoon. Keep adding and packing until it reaches the amount you need.

How to Pack Brown Sugar

9. Cookies burnt on the bottom? Rescue them with a cheese grater! Just lightly grate the bottoms of the cookies and the burnt part will grate right off. That’s much better than having to toss a batch!

10. Don’t want the cookies to burn on the bottom? Try using a light-colored sheet pan or baking sheet rather than a dark one. The dark ones reflect heat and will cause the bottoms to cook faster than the tops.

how to prevent burnt cookies on the bottom

Hopefully, these tips will make baking a little easier for you! Do you have a favorite baking tip you use? Share it with us in the comments!

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Looking for our cookbooks? You can find The New Southern Cookbook and The Southern Air Fryer Cookbook on Amazon.

southern air fryer cookbook

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  1. Interesting! As a newbie baker, I’ve always thought how can I make the brown sugar as it is and store it without worrying of it hardening. Helpful tips indeed!

  2. I need some of these hacks and ideas to make cooking easier. I have heard some of them, but now it is time to put them into practice

  3. I love all these ideas. I’ve actually had to use the truck you mentioned on some brown sugar that turned into a brick. I had to microwave it with a damp cloth several times until it got soft enough to use.

  4. OMG so many useful tips I never ever thought about! Seriously the sugar + mashmellow combo is going to be a game changer!

  5. I love these baking hacks. Anything to save time & effort is a good thing in my book!

  6. These are all very good ideas. Recently, I opened an egg and it was frozen. I should have put it in warm water first.

  7. Thank you for these amazing hacks. Rock-hard brown sugar is a problem of mine too. Now I know what to do.

  8. Great hacks. I’m not much of a baker but with these hacks I think I might give it a go. I’ve been meaning to make scones for a while.

  9. I love baking! And these are baking hacks that I should definitely try!

  10. These really are great tips! I never really considered a lot of this. I’m not a frequent baker, but I’m making pumpkin bread today. Wish me luck!

  11. I will be needing these baking hacks right now! I really love to bake and this is just so perfect.

  12. Oh my gosh, these are such fabulous tips! I have never heard of most of these.

  13. Cool hacks! I have tried many of these and they work! Making your own brown sugar is fun and it tastes great!

  14. Loving that hack of the marshmallow I didn’t know about that, I will start today doing this hack at home.

  15. OK I need all these hacks in my life, I’m not a good cook but I do love a bit of baking! The burnt cookie one though I definitely need.