100 Places That Can Change Your Child’s Life by Keith Bellows

“The classroom provides an essential foundation for learning. But a child can only understand the true world by traveling it.” Paul Theroux.

I’ve always been a fan of “hands-on” education. When Bryan traveled around the country with his job, I was notorious for packing up the kids and tagging along, much to their disgust. I would take them to the historic sites in the area, causing them to beg their father to tell me, “Don’t turn their trips into something educational.” Obviously, I don’t regret my traveling gene and still attempt to drag them to as many places as possible. I’m pretty sure, anytime I talk to my child’s teachers and they tell me he knows so much about this or that subject, it’s because he has had plenty of travel experience. And, as much as they like to deny it, there are plenty of places they have enjoyed. Standing beside live crocodiles in Mexico, anyone?

That’s why I wanted to get my hands on a copy of 100 Places That Can Change Your Child’s Life by Keith Bellows, an award winning writer and editor for National Geographic Traveler Magazine. Divided into six sections including the US and Canada, Caribbean/Mexico/South America, Europe, Africa/Middle East, Asia and Oceania/Antarctica, Mr. Bellows provides details on places to visit, insider tips, and advice on how to “know before you go.” His suggestions include websites to visit, books to read and places to stay while visiting. One of my favorite features is the “Yum!” section that details local eateries. Because I am a chatty sort of person, I usually wind up talking to locals and finding the off the beaten path restaurants that are favorites in the area. The “Yum” section provides that information without me having to talk to complete strangers.

Having visited several of the places featured in the book, I know the impact they can have on a child’s life. My kids have learned about the Civil Rights Movement first hand by walking along the Alabama Civil Rights Trail and experienced nature first hand in the Great Smokey Mountains. While Mr. Bellows suggests travel ideas, he realizes tight budgets mean traveling is not always possible. He suggests ideas like taking the kids to the nearest China Town if visiting China is not possible, reading books together, and visiting websites. The one downside with this book is the lack of pictures. However, I took this as a reference book for parents, not a book to read to children.

My kids are finally old enough they are beginning to catch the travel bug for themselves. My daughter spent the last six months visiting places she’d never been before around the US and posting photos. Um, yeah, she can thank me for that.

Where would you like to take your children? Do you have a 100 places that will change your life list too?


  1. Travel is the best teacher there is! My parents took us on a road trip every summer when I was growing up. We only traveled in North America, but I didn’t realize until I was an adult how much I learned from it…history, culture, geography, and so much more. I did the same with my two boys and now we are doing it with our grandson. We’re all going to China in October! Thanks for letting us know about the book, I just went to Amazon and placed my order 🙂

  2. I’ve had the travel bug my whole life and have visited quite a few places here and abroad. It’s important for parents to expose children to different cultures and to broaden their horizons through travel.

  3. We have been to the house where Harriett Tubman was raised, and followed part of the trail of the Underground Railroad. Powerful learning! Thanks! Will have to pick this up.

  4. This looks like a lot of fun and I think that I’ll find a lot of stuff to put on my bucket list.

  5. What a cool idea for a book. My son is so curious at this age and would like this.

  6. That sounds like a book I should check out. We just made a big cross continent trip, but sadly didn’t have time to really stop and see all the sights we drove past.

  7. I’m taking my daughter on two cruises this summer, I am curious to see if any of the places we are visiting on that list!

  8. I have not read the book, but one place I really want to take my kids in Washington DC. So much of our nation’s history in one place, and many of the places are free to go inside.

  9. This looks like such a cool book! I love finding exciting places that step outside the usual.

  10. Very cool! We have been looking into visiting some places outside of our normal choices. This would be a great tool.

  11. LOL, sounds like a great book. I love travelling too!

  12. What a cool book!! I’m with you, always looking for the educational experience in our travels and have been surprised by how many things my children enjoyed that I didn’t expect them to. Will absolutely have to check this book out! Thanks for sharing!

  13. That sounds like an awesome book! we’re planning a road trip for this summer to visit Yellowstone and I’m so excited!!

  14. What a great book; really.. 100 places to see?? I think we have to add a few to our bucket list. Thanks for a great review; need o check this book out soon.

  15. huh. that looks really cool. someday i will get my kids to see some of these places!