3 Reasons to Attend a Blog Conference

“What are you doing now, Pam? Are you still teaching school?” I am asked this every time I run into an old acquaintance.  My explanation, “I have my own website,” is usually met with blank stares. Even my friends have been known to ask, “So, are you still doing that thing online?”  It can be frustrating when I try to explain I am not able to do a last minute project because I have a deadline and something needing to be written.  Because few people I know “in real life” get what I do, I’ve found going to blog conferences can be a source of encouragement and inspiration.   If you are on the fence about whether to attend a blog conference, here’s some of the top reasons to attend.

1.  You can meet your blogger buddies “In real life.”  Most of us have a “tribe” or favorite group of bloggers we talk to often.  They are the ones who understand our blog frustrations, hear about hackers and site crashes, and share encouragement on bad days.  Talking with someone who “gets” what you do on a daily basis is amazing.  You can also discuss strategies, social media tips and shop talk, which causes my family member’s eyes to glaze over.

2.  Networking.  Most of us have a brand we dream of working with. Blog conferences are a great place to meet conference sponsors , have a quick chat and share a business card.   I’ve been surprised to have PR reps say, “Oh, I know you! It’s good to meet you in person!”

3.  Learning new tips and techniques.  The digital world is fast paced and every changing. It seems like a new social media site pops up every day!  By the time I have learned one, ten more are out that I need to learn about!  The conference sessions are a good place to learn  from the  experts. You can ask questions, get tips and learn new skills on the spot.

I hope I will see you there!

What are your best conference tips?


  1. There are so many bloggers I would love to meet in person. That is definitely a perk of going to a blog conference, agreed. 🙂

  2. I’ve never been to a blogging conference, but I’d sure love to at some point. It sounds exciting!

  3. I definitely would like to attend a blog conference one day now that I have been doing it a while and could really learn how to grow my blog.

  4. I would love to attend a blogging conference one day they sound so much fun as well as the learning 🙂 x

  5. If I lived in Florida I would attend. I haven’t attended a blog conference yet but one day soon I most likely will.

  6. Helene Cohen Bludman

    Blogging conferences can be both educational and social. It’s fun to learn new things while networking with other bloggers.

  7. Oh, I’ve always wanted to go to a blogging conference – I just haven’t “gotten around to it” yet 🙂 One of these days!

  8. My first conference was BlogHer. How’s that for overwhelming? I definitely prefer smaller conferences.

  9. I have really wanted to go to a blog conference, I wish there was one nearby!

  10. I totally missed the one in San Jose a few months ago. I may try to go next year 🙂

  11. What a small world! I’m a volunteer too! 🙂

  12. I totally would go to a conference if it was close enough where my hubby could drop me off and pick me up as I don’t drive. I also would go if it wasn’t expensive.

  13. I will be volunteering at the conference too! I hope we can have some time to meet and be tribe members!
    October is around the corner

  14. I want to attend this conference but the budget just isn’t going to let me. Maybe one day when I start making money blogging i can attend. Have fun.

  15. One day I will attend one. I look forward to the day.

  16. I’ve never attended a blog conference but want to! You get to go to a Disney one.. how awesome! I think if I met some of my blog buddies I’d be too nervous to talk!

  17. I would love to attend a blog conference sometimes. First I need to convince my Hubby that it’s necessary 🙂 but I think it would be an awesome event..

  18. I have never made it to a blog conference before. I always thought that there weren’t any near me, but I finally found one! I just have to wait until next year for it.

  19. I hope one day to attend a conference. It’s been something I’ve wanted to do for years!

  20. I went to a one day conference here in Boston a few years ago and I was so overwhelmed that day, that I never went back to another conference.