Cleaning Gone Wild with Swiffer Fanatics

This is a partnered post with Swiffer, but all my opinions are my own.
I am a bit of a neat freak. Every morning, before I can begin my day, I straighten my house, vacuum the rugs and, because I have cats who believe it is their duty to shed on any available floor space, use my Swiffer to clean the floors. When I was invited to become a “Swiffer Fanatic,” attending an event in Cincinnati to learn more, I knew I had found my calling. I’ve  spent a large chunk of my life “swiffering” the floors.  Before we embarked on our journey we were sent a Big Green Box, just like on the commercials, and instructed to give it to someone who needed Swiffer products in their life.  I chose my daughter, who has an ever expanding menagerie of pets.  My son-in-law was thrilled and has been “swiffering” his floors daily as well.
swiffer fanatic team

In Cincinnati we spent a day with the Swiffer team, learning the history of the products, the history of P&G, and how to use the Swiffer products correctly. I was shocked to discover I had been using my products incorrectly and hadn’t been getting the maximum amount of cleaning potential!  I’m sharing the tips I learned to help make cleaning easier.

swiffer products

Instead of using the Swiffer Sweeper in a back and forth motion, use it in an S pattern. This helps lock in the dirt and keep it from being deposited back onto the floor. 
Only use Swiffer cleaning sheets as they have a special patented finish no one else can use that helps keep dirt trapped on the pad. (I tested this with a bargain brand and a Swiffer sheet at home and there really is a big difference.)
You can use the Swiffer Cleaning sheet until dirt begins to come off of the sheet onto the floor.
When using a Swiffer duster, be sure to fluff the duster before using to attract more dirt.
Use the Swiffer duster even after it looks dirty. It can be used until it leaves dirt behind on the furniture.


Our next mission was to share the joy of Swiffer with others. We divided into Swiffer fanatic teams and raced around the city delivering boxes of goodies to unsuspecting people. Our first stop was Habitat for Humanity where we presented a box to the Brewer family who had moved to the US from Liberia with three of their eight children.  From there we delivered goodies to a pet owner at a local dog park and a very surprised focus group. We demonstrated the correct use of Swiffer products and explained how using them could help them save time. Who wouldn’t rather be doing something they enjoy instead of cleaning?  Later we met with a choreographer and voice coach who helped us put together a rocking dance number using Swiffer products. I have learned that I cannot sing, dance and use a Swiffer sweeper all at once. That takes talent, people! I wish I could have gotten the video to upload. It is not to be missed!
swiffer fanatics

I arrived back home to find my very own personalized Swiffer. I offered to share it with my family, but they were content to let me do all the cleaning.  Won’t they be surprised when I present them with a personalized Swiffer I plan to make for them?
swifffer fanatic huge group

Do you have a favorite Swiffer product?



  1. I love the swiffer products. As a professional house cleaner I use their products all the time

  2. I love my swiffer. It almost makes cleaning fun.

  3. Megan @ C'mon Get Crafty

    I have been loving my Swiffer Extend – so easy to just run around the house dusting all the vents and frames and shelves and things! Love!

  4. I am exactly your type, I always love to make sure I step in every morning to clean & organize everything around the home, so the remaining part of the day is quite peaceful. Swiffer is something pretty new for me, but I think their products are good enough to give a try.

  5. I am a big fan of Swiffer products. As a Working Mom, they make my life so much easier when it comes to cleaning the house.

  6. My son is a Swiffer fanatic. I laugh at him but secretly think it’s cool (so does his wife). 😉

  7. we need swiffer in this house! We just got hardwood floors and it’s a pan to sweep. I bet the swiffer would make it go easier

  8. Man, I don’t know what I would do without my Swiffer products. They are a staple in my daily cleaning routine!

  9. I love my Swiffer Sweeper. It does an amazing joy to keep my floors clean. The Dusters hold all the dust in so it does not spread around.

  10. We have a Swiffer mop in our home. We love it, and it works great.

  11. What fun! I love my Swiffer Jet Mop! It is so easy and fast to use, cleaning up after my 5 kids!

  12. I haven’t heard of Swiffer until now. Cleaning the house is my least favorite chore to do. If Swiffer products will help make things easier for me, then I would love to try them.

  13. This I need! Cleaning house is not an easy task and anything to make things easier is a welcome item in my home. I will be looking for Swiffer products. The Swiffer, the better!

  14. This looks like a fantastic day!!! I adore all things Swiffer, but my favorite is the Febreze-scented dusters that they have.

  15. I love using the swiffer to pick up all the cat hair on the floor. So easy!

  16. I love the stiffer wet jet. It’s been my favorite for years now. Such a great product that I always have to have on hand!

  17. Swifter makes some great products. I love my Swifter Sweeper.

  18. It’s cool that you guys got to deliver goodies to people. This sounded like a really cool trip!

  19. I have to admit I’ve not heard of Swiffer before, I will have to keep a look out for them 🙂 x