5 Funny Quotes About Adulting

“I cannot wait until I am an adult. No one will ever tell me what to do again.” Yes, I did think that. Insert snickers from my parents here. Of course, adulthood comes with plenty of perks. I can go to bed whenever I want. 2 AM? Sure! I can eat whatever I want. Ice cream for dinner? Awesome! Not that I get to do any of those things.  But I could.  And then there’s the downsides of adulthood. It’s expensive. Who knew you had to pay all those bills? When do I get to spend all the money on me like I want to do?  If you have ever felt that way, I’ve found 5 of my Favorite Funny Adulting quotes to help you get through the day.
5 funny quotes about adulting
This is a partnered post with Swiffer. #AdultingwithSwiffer.

1. When you want to spend all the moneys on something fun….

favorite childhood memory

2.  When everything has gone wrong in your day…

adulting mistakes

3. And those times when you’re feeling antisocial…

adulting goals

4. And when you’re not sure if you’re doing the adulting thing right….

adulting how to do stuff

5. And when you think you can’t adult any more…


Sure, adulting is hard.  No one cleans up after you. You’ve got to do it yourself. Want to know my secret cleaning hack that helps me nail the art of adulting? Swiffer.  Yeah, I’ve got all the supplies. Swiffer Wet-Jet, Swiffer Sweeper, Swiffer Duster, you name it. And I use them every day. Seriously. Ok, not all of them every day, but I do use the sweeper every day.  It’s  the fast and easy way to tackle your adulting to-do list so you can get your home clean in the time you have – even if you just have a few minutes to spare. If you’ve got a life, you gotta Swiffer.  Be sure to check out how comedian Abby Elliot is learning the art of adulting with help from Swiffer. If you want to show everyone how you feel about adulting, check out Swiffer’s brand new adulting iMessage stickers and new #Adulting gifs on Swiffer’s giphy page! Apple users can download the iMessage stickers via the iTunes Store or emojiTap. Android users can download the Android stickers on emojiTap via the Google Store. Swiffer’s brand new adulting iMessage stickers and new #Adulting gifs on Swiffer’s giphy page! Apple users can download the iMessage stickers via the iTunes Store or emojiTap. Android users can download the Android stickers on emojiTap via the Google Store.

So, when you feel like this….
don't want to adult

just remember you can do it! We got this!

Adutling We got this!


  1. Adulting is hard! I would so like to go back to being a kid where everything is done for me! Lol. I think these quotes are funny and totally something we can all relate to.

  2. Jen | Wandering with the Kids

    These are hilarious! Those animal pics are so perfect for these qoutes! Haha!

  3. These made me laugh so hard! Thanks for making adulting a little more fun!

  4. Those are hilarious! I my favorite is making the same mistake five or six times…so true!

  5. It’s been a long day at work so I appreciate and love the laughs. I needed those.

  6. I love all of these, and I have had moments that fit each one. Swiffer definitely makes my adulating a little easier ha ha.

  7. I love all of these. Funny thing is they’re so darn true too. I really like the one about bills. That’s my favorite.

  8. kellyhutchinson37920

    My daughter turned 19 and she has been talking about how adulting sucks. I cannot wait to show her these!

  9. Adulting can be a difficult task some days. We make it by though. ;]

  10. Boy do I know about some of these! I wish I could be a kid for a day most times!

  11. I remember I could not wait to grow up. You never think of all the bills and responsibilities adults have. These quotes are all so cute.

  12. Being an adult is tough and when you have kids, you can’t easily take a break and let go for a day or two! I think these quotes are hilarious!

  13. I laughed way too hard at the childhood punishments one. That is spot on!

  14. Thanks for the laugh … so many of them are so true!

  15. I totally needed the laugh today! I love the one with the Pug. I can definitely relate to that meme!

  16. These are such great quotes on adulting! My two oldest daughters are out of the house and it’s funny how their tunes have changed now that they’re actually adults and living on their own! 🙂

  17. These are so funny. True…but funny.

  18. YES! These are some relatable and funny adulting quotes to share. Thanks for the giggle today, I just laughed so much and needed to do that!

  19. These are so funny, and true! I do miss not having to pay bills…..sigh….

  20. These adulting quotes are spot on! They are a funny way to remind you, that yes, you are an adult, but it’s ok to dream!

  21. These are all perfect. I miss not paying bills too!!

  22. OMG, these are all so perfect! I look back all the time and think of how dumb I was to want to grow up!

  23. Oh my gosh these crack me up. I think the one about mistakes is very true. I just want to make sure it’s a mistake before I quit LOL.

  24. Not paying bills is my favorite childhood memory, too! These are all so funny!