Shed Happens: Cleaning up the Cat Hair

“Hey, Mom! Guess what I have?” my daughter said, her hands clenched tightly behind her back. Such words are sure to bring trepidation to even the bravest parent. “What is that behind your back?” I asked suspiciously. “It’s one of the kittens I told you about that someone dumped on the side of the road,” she responded, pulling her hands from behind her back and dumping a furry kitten into my hands. “Those little buggers were fast. This is the only one I could catch.” One look at his little face and my heart melted. He joined our cat, Mitzie, a rescue from a local animal shelter, in a permanent place in our family. Since that time, two other cats have joined our family, Trix, another rescue from the local animal shelter that someone had found wandering alone through their neighborhood, lost and confused, and Daisy, a former foster who was rescued from an abusive owner.
Shed Happens

This is a partnered post with Swiffer as part of the #Swifferfanatics program. All opinions are my own.

Even though we’re happy to give a home to all our cats, they’re messy. And, I’m not the only one who thinks so. More than 58% of Americans own pets and keeping pet hair under control is their number one issue. Let’s face it, I can’t be the only person who has invited someone over and spent the moments before they arrive trying to brush all the cat hair off the sofas. Or, worse, changed into a cute little black dress to go out and found myself covered in cat hair a few minutes later. Who knew cats could be so affectionate when they see you’ve dressed up? No one wants to be known as “the crazy lady covered in cat hair,” but shed happens.
Okie shows up how much dust we can collect on a Swiffer Duster after one housecleaning. Don’t judge, y’all.

So, what’s my secret to keeping the house clean? It’s my Swiffer Sweeper and Swiffer Duster. Seriously. I use my Swiffer Sweeper every day (and sometimes twice a day if I have the 2-year-olds, but that’s a different story.) The Swiffer Sweeper can be used as a dry sweeper-thanks to the dry grooves in the pad that conform to the floor, trapping that nasty pet hair. It can also be used as a wet sweeper, trapping dirt and grime in the pads. As for the duster, they have 50% more fibers than regular dusters plus a great all-around design that allows me to get in hidden corners where the sneaky fur tends to collect. And you wouldn’t believe the amount of pet hair I can pick up in one day with long-haired cats. It’s almost embarrassing.
okie 2
Whether he’s napping on my laptop and getting in the way, or just making a mess, Okie knows shed happens.

Now, you might have had some concerns about Swiffer products being safe for your pets. But, these rumors are false. Swiffer products have been extensively evaluated for safety. In fact, Swiffer products have been safely used in millions of homes – many with pets – for more than 15 years. In fact, the ASPCA, who’s tested the products, confirms Swiffer is safe. While you’ve probably seen Swiffer products everywhere, you can find Swiffer products at almost any grocery, retail, or home improvement store. Want to know more? You can learn all about Swiffer by visiting the Swiffer website, or by connecting on the Swiffer Facebook page.
See the deep cleaning grooves? Perfect to pick up that cat hair!

Now when people come to visit, they don’t even have to know I have cats. That is if they ignore the cats that try to escape when any of the doors are opened or when the cats try to climb in their laps. Do you have a pet? How do you keep your house clean with pets?


  1. We love using this for our dog! It makes such a difference. Your cat is absolutely darling! So cute!

  2. Your cat is so cute. Great answer for those having hard time picking up the pet hairs. I dont have my pet so maybe I could use that for my falling hair?

  3. This looks like a great deal.. my family has never tried it before.

  4. We have a short hair dog and he sheds so much especially during this time of year. Our Swiffer gets a workout but hands down it’s perfect for cleaning up pet hair.

  5. This thing is perfect for hair! Pet hair is so hard to get all of!

  6. Oh my word do they shed! This has been one of the craziest years for my animals to shed. Hair is every where!

  7. I don’t have a cat but I am obsessed with that Swiffer duster!! It may just be my favorite cleaning product!!

  8. We have two cats, and two kids with long hair, and I feel like I am always picking up hair. It’s amazing how fast it all accumulates! I’ll have to give this a try.

  9. I vacuum up the hair a lot. For some reason its not seen on our couch at all, but always at the end of our bed…so I have to wash the bedding like once a week and now I just try to keep the door shut to keep the cat off our bed.

  10. That first shot is a winner, what a capture. I use this tloo to clean our floor because our two dogs sheds.

  11. Cat hair everywhere. That’s our house. These Swiffer products look like a terrific solution. We’ll have to try one.

  12. Cats can definitely get messy and Swiffer surely does the trick in getting all that hair! My best friend uses it all the time for her two kittens and she swears by it!

  13. OMG Swiffer is a lifesaver!!! Between my all-male household plus a cat and dog I use all their dust and floor products lol

  14. We have long haired Shih tzus and they don’t shed but need to be groomed a few times a year. I think I like this trade off because I have enough dust in my house. The swiffer seems like a good way to go with or without pet hair.

  15. jmanandmillerbug

    My dog is shedding for like it’s going out of style LOL. I am constantly cleaning it. I should get a Swifer because I think that will definitely help keep my floors clean.

  16. Now this sounds like a great way to clean up pet hair – I don’t have a cat but do have a dog so hopefully this will help us too!

  17. We use these often! They do work well! We have two cats, and their fur is all over the place. Our kitties are rescues too!

  18. I clean with all the swiffer products. From the floors to dusting, they make things really handy and easy to get clean.

  19. I wouldn’t want to attempt to clean house without my Swiffer duster. I have the one with the long handle that extends and it makes cleaning up so much easier.