Big News from Little Big Town

I’ve always been a big fan of Little Big Town. (Yes, pun intended.) The whole family loves to sing along to Pontoon, and even the youngest of us know all the words. I even have them programmed into my “Favorite Artist” section on my satellite radio, so I never miss one of their songs while I’m driving. That’s why I was so excited to partner with Lunchbox and learn about their new album, Pain Killer. The band describes it as “bold” and “aggressive,” and they say “it has it’s own personality.” Little Big Town’s previous songs definitely had a lot of personality- and they were certainly catchy- so this album is going to delight old fans, and win over non-fans. But seriously, if you’re not a fan of Little Big Town, it’s probably just because you haven’t heard Pontoon and Day Drinking yet.


Since I’m such a fan of Little Big Town, I’m excited to get the chance to share an exclusive performance and interview with you. Thanks to Walmart Soundcheck, you can learn about Little Big Town’s songwriting process, how they feel about Nashville, and you can get a taste of their new album. Considering that the group said if this album were food, it would be considered “extra large,” you probably can’t wait for this bite-sized preview. Consider it the slider to Pain Killer’s triple cheeseburger. The appetizer to Pain Killer’s super-sized entrée. However you think of it, the interview is definitely going to whet your whistle for their new album.

Are you as excited as I am yet?


  1. I so love this band, what great news from them. Appreciate you sharing this info with us!

  2. I have to confess I’m not really familiar with Little Big Town, but saw them on something just the other day and really liked them. I need to check out their music.

  3. The only song of theirs I know is Pontoon, oddly enough I can’t recall any other songs by them! I guess I will have to check out the site and listen to some others! LOL 🙂

  4. I love Walmart Sound Check! They always have the coolest artists!

  5. I adore them. Great music and personalities!

  6. Little Big Town is such a fun group. I love their take me down to the little white church.

  7. Love Little Big Town. I have all their albums. Day Drinking… Da Da Da Day Drinking!

  8. I like Little Big Town. I bet their new CD is great. I would love to win the guitar.

  9. I just love Little Big Town. What fun!

  10. How cool! I’ve only recently heard of Little Big Town! Such great songs!

  11. What a fun experience to be able to attend a exclusive performance and interview Little Big Town. I am a huge country fan – I would be so excited!!!! Have FUN!

  12. I love Little Big Town. They have so many great songs and the Pontoon and Day Drinking are for sure my go to fun songs.