Bleach+ Cats= A Bad Combination

Having three cats, it can be a challenge to keep my home smelling fresh. Last week one of my cats, Mitzie, got into my garbage can where I had thrown away a paper towel with bleach. I didn’t realize my husband had thrown a bone in the garbage that she had to have. Some of the bleach rubbed off on the bone and she was a sickly cat for a couple of days! After that I decided to switch to finding more safe and effective solutions for making my home smell fresh and clean.

That’s when I discovered Green Choice. The company uses only green cleaners, which is something that is now very important to me. I don’t want to risk the health of my cats in order to have a fresh-smelling house. Of course, it’s important to have natural cleaners for my children too. The smell of some cleaners upset our allergies and provokes asthma attacks in my daughter. Exposure to harmful cleaning products has already proven hazardous to my cats. Even though I am usually careful to keep all cleaners out of their way, I found a careless mistake could possibly be fatal. While I know my children won’t get into the cleaners, because we have a history of cancer in our family I try to limit our exposure to toxins.

The Sickly Cat

Green Choice provides eco-friendly carpet, rug and upholstery cleaning using trained technicians. They’re also a family-owned company with many years of experience in the business. I don’t have to worry that it is some shady fly-by-night company that will disappear immediately after I use their services. I also don’t have to worry that they’ll send out a questionable person to do the job. I’ve had some interesting experiences with repairmen that my husband has found over the years. I learned to ask around and check references before I allow anyone to come into my home. I didn’t realize it at first but they also offer mattress cleaning. I’ve seen the state of my kid’s mattresses and know they could use a refresher.

What Green Cleaning choices have you made at your home?

One Comment

  1. My pets are forever into EVERYTHING! I’m always worried when I spy them with that guilty look on their faces. Thanks for sharing 🙂