Building a Better Blog- Thanks to SheCon

Creating a blog is easy; building a blog is difficult. It takes time, perseverance, and focus. I was able to attend the SheCon convention held at Disney World Resort last week-my first conference where I was the only person not connected to the internet-and was blessed to be able to attend the presentation by “Miss Lori” of Miss Lori TV. She challenged us to write a post of what we learned and how we would apply it to our blogs.

She also encouraged us to join in a sing along, but that’s a different story! Imagine a group of bloggers glancing nervously at one another and mumbling and you have a picture of us. I hope some of the pointers I received will help others on their blogging journey.

1. Be Professional.
To work with brands and companies we need to present a professional demeanor. That means spell checking our work (sometimes more than once!), proofreading, making sure the clients name and links to their site are correct, communicating clearly with the PR rep, meeting deadlines and following through on promises. We must present ourselves as business people worthy of respect.

2. Network, Network, Network!
To make a name for ourselves we must talk to other bloggers, pr reps, and businesses. Step out of the “comfort zone” and introduce ourselves. Don’t be afraid to ask others for help  or for suggestions on how to improve your site. Sure, some people will rebuff you, but many others will be happy to give pointers. Join blogger groups and try to be active. (I know, life happens and we can’t always do that.) Go to conferences , if possible.   I was *nervous* the first morning of SheCon but I introduced myself to others and met some great people who offered me tips I plan to implement in the future.

3. Create Your Brand and Promote It.
What do you plan to accomplish from your site? What do you want to do? What to you plan to feature? If you don’t know, no one else will either. Don’t let readers and PR reps walk (maybe click is more appropriate?) away from your site confused. Create a clear vision and stick to it.  Know what you have to offer and “own” that brand. In my case, it helps to write it down so I can remember!

4. Set Goals for Yourself.
Do you want to be the ultimate travel blogger? The “go to” food blogger? The “must be seen” craft blogger? The review blogger every PR firm and business wants to work with?  You can’t get there without clear cut goals. Write them down and then think of ways to implement them.

5. You will get discouraged but you can do it!
Does anyone ever have those days when you are so depressed and don’t know why you bother to blog? (*Raises hand and waves wildly*) Do you ever have days when you feel like everyone else has better stats, better opportunities,  better posts or feel like everyone is against you? (*Still waving hand*)  Think of these as challenges to make yourself improve. How can I do that? What do they do that I don’t? Brainstorm. Ask friends. Research. Make new goals and write them down.   Ignore haters and focus on what you have accomplished and what you will accomplish. (Yep, that’s the hardest one.)  As Miss Lori explained in her speech,  “There is always a way forward. It doesn’t have to be straight through.”

6. Stay True to Yourself.
Don’t compromise your moral standards and values to get ahead. Nice guys can finish first. (I know, I know, that doesn’t always seem true but I have to believe it anyway.)

Have you attended a blogger conference? What was the best advice you received from a conference or from a bloggy friend?


  1. Thanks for posting these great tips! There are so many opps for learning and perfecting our craft at some of the blogger conferences. I attended one of the major conferences last year and although I have no plans on attending any this year, I am gearing up for a travel filled 2013.

  2. I enjoyed SheCon too and met so many wonderful people.

  3. I never attended any conferences, but based on the above information, I definitely think you learned a lot. I have to look into it. Thanks for sharing

  4. All good tips! I attended WordCamp a while back and look forward to attending another conference in the future!

  5. I’m so proud of you. You are on a great path. Clarifying your purpose and your goals are vital to your professional journey. You have to know who you are. If you don’t how can you expect your community to know you and what you stand for?

    Keep up the good work.

    SMILE On!


  6. I love attending conferences and feel energized and inspired every time!

  7. These are all wonderful tips and ones that I am continuously working on! You are right, number five is the hardest one!

  8. great post, pam!! really great tips. i can’t wait to attend a conference myself!

  9. I haven’t attended any conferences but hope to next year. Sounds like great advise to me!

  10. Great post! I especially like pointer number 2 and would only add to it that once you make your name don’t forget that you needed help once too.

    When I first started blogging there is a blogger that I adore who is among the huge….I tried a few time to get her input but was ignored. If I visited with her about anything else she was more than willing to chat but closed off when trying to get guidance.

    I still really like her but would never use her as a resource. I don’t want to be thought of like that, which is one reason why I am more than happy to post for others and do hops. It is often frowned on by others but if it helps someone else network and grow…I’m all in.

    Again, great share 🙂

  11. I wish that I could have attended. This sounds like an awesome talk that you attended!

  12. I have never been to these conference. They sound like they are really great and that you learn more about being a blogger.
    Great post.

  13. I attended shesconnected last fall for Canadian bloggers. I learned so much while there and the biggest thing I learnt was to value my time and my blog. I find since i attended, I am being taken more seriously as a blogger. These conferences are really a must attend for all of us