Celebrating 3 Years of Better With Pets

It should be no surprise by now that I am a pet lover. I’m constantly researching the latest information on how to keep my pets healthy and happy. Naturally, when I was invited to the 3rd Better With Pets Summit with Purina in New York City, I said, “Yes!” The Better With Pets Summit brings together the latest research and leading authorities on pet care to share their findings. Our day began with a moving story of at-risk youths in rural Alaska. Suicide rates and violence were up and people were moving away from the dying community. Frank Attala realized he had been helped as a youth by training dogs for sled races. He began pairing dogs with teens and teaching the teens training techniques. Over time the youths began to take pride in their heritage. People began moving into the community and violence decreased. This amazing program showcases the power of pets in our lives! At the end of the day, Purina announced they would be donating $75,000 to help continue this program since Frank’s recent death.

Our day continued with amazing stories of how pets can help make life better in so many situations. From Paz, the therapy dog in NYC who helps comfort children of abuse as they tell their stories, to therapy dogs who help treat PTSD in Veterans, animals are capable of some much more than we give them credit!
Better with Pets Summit dog

Thanks to Dr. Marty Becker and a panel discussion, we learned ways to reduce stress in our animals. One of the most important messages shared was teaching children responsibility around pets. It’s our job to teach our children the body language of pets and that pets need “down time” too. One suggestion from an expert at Purina was allowing the pet to have their own space to retreat. When the pet is in this spot, no one should bother it. I have a spot like this for our cats and our 13 year old cat, Sassie, is profoundly grateful. She likes to be away from us and the other cats!

Dr Marty Becker

The newest edition to the Better With Pets summit was five interactive educational zones. My favorite was the display where we learned to make interactive toys for our pets to stimulate brain activity and alleviate boredom. One of the simplest involved using a small wooden box or tray. Every few days add a different piece of fabric-like fake fur or felt or a piece of sandpaper. Switch up the textures to prevent boredom. Voila! An easy textured toy for your cat or dog.
training dogs

Do you have a pet? What topic would you like to learn more about?


  1. We have a zoo – we have 3 dogs and 3 cats. I am not sure what topic I would like to learn more about, I’d like to think I know quite a bit! Such cute dogs.

  2. I live in NYC this summit slipped past my radar, I will have to keep an eye out for it next year! Thanks for putting it on my radar!

  3. We have two rescue cats, Meep and Hazel. I wonder what things I can do to extend their lives.

  4. I need to look into making some interactive toys. I do think animals can get bored just like animals in the zoo. This is a great prompt to think more about how to address that.

  5. Pets get their own summit! How cool is that. We don’t have any pets but I know my son has been begging for a dog.

  6. What cute dogs. They make me want to cuddle up to my chiweenie

  7. We’ve had our dog for almost five years. He really has become like another member of the family.

  8. Those dogs are look adorable! I wish I have my own puppy, I’m so glad that you live your pet in 3 years.

  9. My two little dogs bring me so much joy. How neat for you to get this experience!

  10. Those coats are just too cute! I will have to try that textured toy box that you have mentioned, I wonder how my dog bailey would like it.

  11. We had to put down our dog last year and that was very upsetting. We have two cats who are cuddly and they really help me destress at the end of a long day.

  12. Wow, looks like you learned so much at the summit! I don’t have a pet, but so interesting to see everyone’s personal experience

  13. I like your dog he is cute and looks so smart.

  14. I would love to learn more about alleviating boredom for my dogs and stimulating their brains. Sometimes I feel so bad for them when they sit there and stare at me. But I can’t play with them all the time.

  15. I have 3 dogs, so this is a summit that would be so fun for me to attend! I think it sounds like you learned a lot while you were there. I like the idea of the homemade texture toy, and I bet my dogs would love for me to make them one as well!

  16. Both of our fur babies are getting to be older. We love using Purina to keep them happy.

  17. I have an older pet that keeps on going. But I keep a watchful eye on her.

  18. Aint that dog the cutest! There’s nothing than celebrating our love for our pets.

  19. How cute! I love celebrating our pets. They are part of the family too.

  20. I agree that life is better with pets for sure. This sounds like a great event!

  21. How cute. They look so adorable. We do not have any pest 🙁

  22. Dogs can be real heroes without even knowing it! It’s awesome that they highlighted ways that they help us and also how we can help them!

  23. I think pets are such an important part of any family! We personally have 3 cats, and are adding one more for my daughter for Christmas 🙂

  24. Animals are indeed great healers. It’s amazing what they can do to make our lives better.

  25. We love our dog. He’s a four legged member of the family. Every day has been better with him in our lives since we got him.

  26. Life really is better with pets. We love our little guy like another family member.

  27. Animals are great healers, for people healthy and sick!

  28. This is such a big topic in my house. I have three dogs but they do not know how to act around kids since we don’t have any. We’re trying to teach both the dogs and and the kids how to act around each other.

  29. I have a cat. I used to also have a dog. I like the idea of the pet having a kind of safe zone. I will keep this in mind for when I have kids.

  30. That sounds like such a neat summit! I appreciate anyone who appreciates animals, for sure. We have a dog and a cat who are both quite characters. I’m constantly learning new things about them LOL

  31. I have two dogs and I can’t imagine my life without them. They round out our family and bring a smile to my face every day! They are a lot of work at times, but worth it.

  32. I think therapy dogs are amazing. They are truly a gift for their owners.

  33. My pets are all over the house. I so wish they would find a spot to retreat to. 🙂