Clean Cats with Bayer® ExpertCare™

This post is sponsored by Bayer® ExpertCareTM and the BlogPaws Influencer Network. I am being compensated for helping spred the word about Bayer ExpertCare products but Simply Southern Mom only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Bayer ExpertCare is not responsible for the content of this article.

Our cats are all rescues and are super spoiled. They stay inside mostly, with occasional trips out into the garage to explore.  You would think they would be extremely clean and never need a bath. You would be wrong. Our cats can find the weirdest things to play with and sometimes, when I open the door a crack to go outside, they make a dash for the great outdoors where they usually find something smelly to roll in before I can retrieve them. This is the worst because then they need a bath.  Let’s just say my cats are extremely water phobic and I have the scratches to prove it, making skin care for cats a problem.   I was thrilled when I was given a chance to try the Bayer® ExpertCare™  Coat  Cleansing  Foam available exclusively from  PetSmart. Described as “a  convenient,  leave-­‐in moisturizing  foam  that’s  great  for  use  on  water-­‐reluctant  cats,” I didn’t have long to wait before I was able to try it on a couple of smelly cats who had managed a dramatic escape and rolled in some rabbit poop.
bayer expert skin care

One pump of the Cleansing Foam produced a small handful of foam, just enough to began the process of cleaning the cats.  I have determined my cats still do not like having anything rubbed on them, so if I didn’t hold them they ran off when I tried to apply the foam. Once I held them, this made all the difference, so learn from my mistakes. The foam is easy to massage into their coat and seemed to dry quickly.  Because it  is made from all natural ingredients, is soap free and supports skin hydration, I had no qualms about applying it all over their little bodies.
expertcare skin care from bayer
The best part? I didn’t have to rinse, which is another dreaded chore with the water phobic cats!  Their coats were shiny after the application and the foam left a fresh, but not overpowering smell.  I am sure the cats were a little confused as to why I was sniffing their coats, but it was in the interest of research.  Who doesn’t want to know about grooming for cats?

All of the Bayer ExpertCare products are specially formulated for cats or dogs. I found mine on the health and wellness aisle. Have you tried any of the Bayer ExpertCare products? What did you think?

Check back next month when we will be trying Bayer  ExpertCare  Ear  Care  Rinse and sharing our experiences.


  1. I see that this is for both cats and dogs, i’m always looking for a good pet shampoo.Thank you for sharing.

  2. My cat never liked to be bathed. This is a great alternative to a bath

  3. I honestly had no clue that Bayer made things like this. I always think of tablets when I think of them.

  4. I’ve never used this brand. But I have used similar products on the cat I used to have. Before she passed away, when she was too old to clean herself this type of product kept her from being smelly.

  5. Bayer Expert Care has excellent products. Diesel loves their shampoos.

  6. We have 2 cats and they do not like water. They are indoor cats but they could use this product and it sounds easy enough to use on cats that do not like water.

  7. Bayer is a trusted brand for pet care. Although I don’t own cats, I still love their products for dogs. Thanks for the review.

  8. I love that they have products like these to take good care of our pets. They really are like another member of the family.

  9. What a great product! We have not had cats for awhile but the cleaning and bathing was always a chore. And we had short hair cats!

  10. This sounds like a great line of products. I didn’t know cats and dogs could have allergies.

  11. What some great sounding products, I will have to keep a watch out for their dog range I think 🙂 X

  12. How awesome. We haven’t tried any of these yet but we have 3 cats, so I will have to! I bet my cats would love it!

  13. It’s important to have no qualms over a product. I’m glad you found something you like.

  14. I haven’t tried these products, yet. We have dogs at home and I think this would be perfect.

  15. This is really a great idea. I don’t have cats, only dogs, but they hate water too. I bet this makes things a lot easier.

  16. This sounds like something that would be great for our cat. Our cat actually loves water but it is still a pain to give him a bath… then he licks forever and of course gets hairballs so this sounds much easier.

  17. No rinse sounds good to me! I have a pug that hates water, so I need to check out their dog line!

  18. It’s so great that you don’t have to rinse and it’s all-natural. I have something similar that I use on my dogs occasionally.

  19. I need this for my cat. My cat really stinks!

  20. This is a great-looking product. I see they have a line for dogs – this certainly is good to know.

  21. My cats are not fans of water. This would be perfect for them.

  22. Meep, the smaller of our two cats gets dry skin. I need to look into this for her.

  23. Oh that foam sounds great. Our cat is super friendly and might not even mind having this massaged in from time to time.

  24. Oh I need this in my life. I have 4 cats and of course they all hate water. I’m going to have to try this out asap!

  25. Your kitty is adorable! I need to try this on my cat!

  26. This sounds like a great product for cats. We all know most don’t like to get wet!

  27. That’s good to know it’s soap free. I was wondering if they would be okay if they licked their fur, which they tend to do with anything on them.

  28. This sounds like a great way to keep the kitties clean. I only have a dog, but my good friend has three cats. I’ll be letting her know about this.

  29. This sounds great for cats! I am going to tell my MIL about this for her cats.