Cupcake Sandwiches Recipe

holiday recipes

In celebration of our Avengers movie night, I made Avengers Cupcake Sandwiches. The neat thing about these sandwiches is that they can easily be switched around to accommodate any holiday or activity by changing the colors of the cupcakes or changing the flavoring in the filling. Because they are so easy to make, the kids can help! Younger children can add the food coloring or flavoring and place the cupcake liners in a pan while tweens can mix the ingredients together and fill the cupcake liners.

1 box of cake mix, mixed as directed on the package
1 box instant vanilla pudding
Food coloring of choice
Flavored Extract of choice
1 16 ounce container marshmallow cream
1 stick butter, melted
1 ½ cups confectioners’ sugar
Cupcake liners
Nonstick Cooking Spray

Prepare cake mix as directed on the package. Add vanilla pudding mix and beat until well blended. Divide the batter into two bowls and add food coloring of choice to each bowl. I had planned to make Captain America cupcakes and used red and blue food coloring. No matter how much red I used, it still turned out pink. I suggest using paste food coloring that can be found in the cake decorating aisle for true colors.  Remember to use a small amount at first and add more as needed.

Spray cupcake liners with nonstick spray. Add 2 Tablespoons batter to each liner. Bake as directed on package.  Remove cupcakes from pan and let cool completely. Remove cupcake wrappers. In the meantime, make the cream filling. Mix the melted butter, marshmallow cream and confectioners’ sugar together until well blended. Add two teaspoons flavoring of choice. I suggest lemon extract, almond extract, or vanilla extract. Mix until blended.

Ignore the messy sides of the bowl. I let the kids do all the mixing.

After cupcakes are completely cooled, spread one teaspoon filling on top of one colored cupcake. Top with the other color cupcake. I had extra frosting so I added another teaspoon on top of the cupcakes.

Suggestions: Try black and orange food coloring for Halloween, Red and Green for Christmas, Pink for Valentine’s Day, Green for St. Patrick’s Day or Red and Blue for the 4th of July. Mint extract would be a good addition for Christmas. These cupcake sandwiches would be a fun alternative to cake at a kid’s birthday tea party.


  1. I was just thinking as I looked at these, red & green would be cute for Christmas and I read you thought so too. Great idea!

  2. These look very good. Thank you. Jerri Davis

  3. This is very clever. You are so smart in what you come up with!! I love cupcakes too. This is an easier and cleaner way to eat them too!! Yum! Great idea!! Rita Spratlen

  4. What a clever idea. I’ve not seen this done before. This would so be cute for the holidays.

  5. I have a recipe for a cute red, white a blue cupcake but not a sandwich! Cute idea!

  6. I found that if you add a smidge of black food coloring the the red, you can get a deeper shade. Although it seems the more food coloring I add to a recipe, the final texture is affected a bit. There must be some other trick 🙂 Thanks for sharing!