6 Ways to Cope with A Cold

“Mom, I only remember one day in the last seven years that you’ve been too sick to get out of bed,” my son informed me after telling me he was too sick to get out of bed. Since he rarely does this and it was on the weekend, I knew he must feel terrible. Of course, my son, who has been taught the importance of sharing, managed to pass the virus along to me. As moms, we don’t have the luxury of taking a sick day. Here are my strategies for coping and continuing my routine when I feel like I have been ran over by a bus.

1. Take a hot shower.
The moist steam will help open nasal passages, making it easier to breathe, at least temporarily.

2. Use peppermint drops to soothe sore throats.
These help coat and moisten the throat. Any hard candy or cough drop will do but I prefer the taste of peppermint candy.

3. Run a humidifier.
This keeps the air moist, once again making it easier to breathe. Important—remember to keep the humidifier clean or it will breed bacteria. No one wants to get worse because of using the humidifier.

4. Use saline nose drops.
This can be bought over the counter or made from “scratch.” They help ease dry nasal passages and help with congestion. Remember to read the instructions on the package before use.

5. Drink plenty of fluids.
Remember all the thick mucus clogging the throat and nostrils? The fluids help liquefy the mucus so it can be flushed out of the system.

6. Rest whenever possible.
I know what you are thinking, “Hahahaha!” This is the time I always popped in a movie and proclaimed it “Movie Day.” The kids probably thought it was a treat for me to be sick.

Since I hadn’t been ill in a while, this virus seems to have hit me hard. Thankfully, I had received a supply of NyQuil  and DayQuil only a week before I got sick. How’s that for good timing? Both products are designed for people twelve years of age and older and contain ingredients to relieve symptoms by suppressing the urge to cough, reducing a fever, alleviating minor aches and pains, and relieving sneezing and runny nose.
My son asked me if he could use the DayQuil because he had used it in the past when he was sick and it helped his symptoms. He wasn’t a fan of NyQuil because it made him feel drowsy, but I was ready for my nighttime sniffling, sneezing, coughing so I can rest medicine. I hate being awake at 3 AM because I can’t breathe. We have enough left over to share with the rest of the family when they come down with the virus too. They can’t say we don’t share!

What are your best tips for surviving flu season?


  1. Great tips!! I hope you’re feeling better.

  2. When I’m congested, one of the first things I do is take a hot shower. The steam really helps, like you mentioned above. Thanks for all the tips!

  3. thanks for the great tips 🙂

  4. great tips on how to get well… I always use the NyQuil and it works great; another thing I do is sinus rinse to keep me well, too. That usually works wonders. Thanks for sharing

  5. I used both of those products for about 5 or 6 days starting March 1st. Normally they are a LIFE saver, but this time around I think my virus was too much, but when you don’t have insurance you’re limited in your options. Overall, I definitely recommend these products.

  6. I miss being able to take NyQuil, it worked so well for letting you sleep. With little ones in the house, I need to be able to take care of them so right now I do not use it when I am sick.

  7. The suggestions you gave are all things that I would normally recommend too. 🙂

  8. NyQuil is the best. I actually am out of NyQuil and need to get some for my medicine cabinet in case any of us needs it soon.

  9. I am on Day 4 of a terrible flu and these tips have helped. I hope that I am better soon!

  10. NyQuil has always been a family favorite. It is a great product.

  11. I love the rest suggestion! I totally do that too, whenever any of us are sick though. Or, we pull out piles of books.

  12. Hot showers are my go-to remedy for colds! Always makes me feel better 🙂

  13. I love hot showers when I have a bad cough, humidifiers really seem to help too.

  14. I hate the sniffles and peppermint drops work amazingly well.

  15. It just so happens that I have a full-on sore throat today and I’m totally sucking on peppermint candy to help. I also have my Nyquil on my nightstand because I suspect this will turn into a cold. 🙁

  16. Great tips! Rest is the hardest for me when I’m sick, Dayquil is my go-to to get through the day when I’m not able to get enough zzz’s in.