Creating a College First Aid Kit Neosporin and Bandaid

I’ve mentioned my family’s lack or prowess with athletics. My poor husband has suffered through bruises, black eyes and various lacerations as he has tried to teach the kids baseball, football and soccer. I’ve often blamed their lack of abilities on genetics. I was always the kid who could manage to trip over my own feet. The kids seemed to follow in my footsteps. Literally. We’ve had so many bumps and boo boos over the years that I learned to keep first aid supplies with us at all times. I’m the mom who’s always prepared to whip out a Band-Aid or disinfect a cut. Have an allergy attack? Headache? Stomach ache? I’m ready!

What’s the one thing I forgot to do? Pack a first aid kit for my daughter when she moved to her college dorm this year.  In my defense, it is her first year and I was frantically trying to make sure she had all the necessary supplies.  I managed to add some headache medication but that’s about it.  Would you believe this is the year she has caught every kind of disease imaginable?  Things I would have never expected too, like Pinkeye, some sort of virus that had her entire dorm on lockdown and glaucoma.  Seriously.  That’s not counting all her scrapes and scratches. Most parents receive text messages saying, “Send food.” We receive messages saying, “Can you send cough drops?”

That’s why I’ve prepared a care package to help make it through the winter. I’ll be enclosing Band Aids with cute patterns.  Who wouldn’t feel better with Miss Piggy looking sassy and covering boo boos? Or waterproof Tough Strips to stand up against the rain?  Since she’s moved to a colder climate, I’m enclosing some Neosporin Lip Heath products. She already has a problem with chapped lips. These should provide her with some relief.  I’ll be adding a Band Aid Friction Stick to give her relief from her long treks across campus.  It’s a mile from her dorm to the cafeteria and any of her classes.  She’ll have blisters abounding from all that walking.

I might add a couple of her favorite candy bars to her care package to tide her over as she wanders toward the cafeteria. Now she’ll be prepared for whatever scraps and bruises she encounters while tramping over the campus.

Do you send care packages? What items do you include?


  1. That looks like the perfect kit! I’m taking notes 🙂

  2. These are adorable band-aids!

  3. We keep both of these on hand…our 2 year old went through over half a pack of bandaids this past summer alone! 🙂

  4. Those are definitely everyday essentials. I actually keep everything you mentioned in my travel bag!

  5. I haven’t heard of any of their products. They all sound great! I love to give a box of items that I know my kids would like. It is fun to surprise them. Rita Spratlen

  6. I have never heard of that Band-Aid Friction Block Stick – I will have to check that out.

    And I love Neosporin, we also have a first aid kit in each vehicle. 🙂


  7. Aw, you’re such a great mom!! 🙂

  8. Super thoughtful – especially the candy bar! 🙂 Chocolate makes many boo-boos better!

  9. College kids love stuff like this! I thought about making a care package for a relative going off to school with my coupon stash items a few years ago, but I thought she might think it was dorky so I didn’t. Well, when she and her friends were over for dinner before they left, they commented on how impressed they were with my big stockpile of things like Sprite (LOL!). I mentioned that I had wanted to make them care packages but wasn’t sure if they’d want it. They all said enthusiastically YES and so I sent them all off to college with shampoo, conditioner, Windex, and Glade Plug-Ins that I got for free with coupons. 🙂

  10. oh and ps – sometimes I add to the college care packages at our church – they always want “junk food” but I try to put in some organic snacks!

  11. I didn’t even think to do this when I was in college but what a great idea 🙂

  12. I would but I have nobody to send them to, lol

  13. I can name a lot, I used to do gift baskets and these are a few things I can remember-Batteries, save all your little samples like laundry detergent and softener, toothpaste, shampoo, extra gloves, gift cards like for Starbucks for McDonald’s, and for the holidays, something small to hang in their room.