Give me the Flavor and the Fizz!

This is a sponsored post with Dasani and Markerly, but all opinions are my own.
My “shocking” confession of the day; I love fizzy drinks. I love the feel of the bubbles sliding down my throat, the taste, even the swooshing sound when I open the can.  The downside? My fizzy habit can override other beverage choices. I’ve found myself reaching for a fizzy beverage at the store while out and about way too often. I had been trying to up my water consumption for several reasons; mainly, my health.  But, I’ve also signed up to work at an orphanage in a third world country this summer.  I seriously doubt there will be an abundance of fizzy beverages.  My solution to the fizzy conundrum?  Dasani Sparkling Water in flavors like Black Cherry.  I get flavor and the fizziness I need, all rolled up in one convenient 12 ounce can.  How’s that for a can’t miss combination?

Like most women, I am constantly on the go. I know I’m also much more likely to drink water while I am out and  about if it’s flavored. My sneaky solution? Keeping a bottle of Dasani Drops Infusions in my purse.  They’re available in two flavors, Strawberry Basil and Lime, and each 1.9 ounce bottle makes up to 32 servings.  These little bottles are also perfect to pack into luggage when traveling. Can you guess what is going to the 3rd World Country with me? Yes, that’s right, Lime Dasani Drops Infusions.
Dasani Drops

I don’t have much time for me, but I do plan to be doing lots of entertaining this summer. The Dasani Drops Infusions are perfect for a “Girl’s Night Spa Party.” Make pitchers of water earlier in the day, set out glasses and the Dasani Infusion Drops and let everyone serve themselves. It’s much easier than making the flavor infused waters they serve in trendy spas and costs a lot less too.
Dasani Drops Infusions

Want to get more water into your life too? Here’s some of the tips that work for me:
Keep a small cooler in the back of your car. When you know you’ll be gone all day, add a few water bottles. Keep a bottle of Dasani Drop Infusions in the cooler at all times. You’ll always have flavored water on hand.
Pack a bottle of water when you go to the gym or on a power walk. Add the Dasani Drop Infusions in advance and it’s ready to go.

You can find the new Dasani Sparkling Water and Dasani Drop Infusions at Target. Want to save some money? For a limited time you can use the Target Cartwheel App to received coupons for both products.

Do you prefer flavor, fizz, or like me, really want both?


  1. Oooo I have not tried this yet. I will have to get some.

  2. I like a little fizz in my drinks too. I haven’t tried these yet though.

  3. I love Dasani Drops, I use them in my water all the time!

  4. I love Dasani drops. The strawberry Basil is my favourite flavor. I really love fizz drinks as well. Will have to try this new Dasani Sparkling water as well.

  5. Hi Pam – I’ve not tried the Dasani Drops Infusions, but an really interested in them now, very cool – and thank you for the Target coupon link and app – 🙂

  6. Im more of a flavor person that a fizz person. Thanks for sharing these dasani drink ideas! They will be perfect for the up and coming spring picnics!

  7. These have been my new favorite drink for a few months now. I even like the apple flavor, which I thought I wouldn’t! For anyone who hasn’t tried these… they’re sooo good!

  8. Super fizzy stuff makes my IBS and GERD worse. I have tried a few sparkling waters in the past with not much luck. I would be willing to try these if I had a pop craving.

  9. Love the idea of a girl’s night spa party! We have girl’s night once a month. I’ll have to grab these and create a spa night!!

  10. I knew Dasani had the drops, but I didn’t know they had the Sparkling cans. I’ll have to looks for those the next time I go to the store!

  11. What a refreshing drink for the summer. I need to try it. I already love Dasani water

  12. I really want both, too. We always keep a cooler in back of our van because we’re on the go all the time.

  13. I primarily drink water all day. No fizz just plain old water. But that is just me.

  14. I need to try this water. I love a little fizz when I drink so this might just be the answer to my problems.

  15. The fizz would be nice. I like the water too!

  16. Megan @ C'mon Get Crafty

    I’m pretty good at drinking regular water, but sometimes I just really want some sweetness or flavoring to break up the monotony. This is a great alternative to juice or soda!

  17. I love the usual Dasani bottled water (it really does taste different!), but I haven’t tried the drops or the sparkling water. I will have to change that!

  18. So drops are the new packets? This is cool I would spruce up my water with these new drops and of course drink them in MASON JARS!

  19. Reusable ice cubes! I need to try Dasani’s sparkling water, sounds good.

  20. I love sparkling and carbonated beverages. I think I’m going to really enjoy trying this.

  21. I love fizzy drinks too. I have a bad habit of reaching for something sweet and bubbly when I should be reaching for water. I think this could help satisfy my craving for bubbles without the calories.

  22. Not a big fizz fan but I do love great flavor! Sounds like you’re ready for summer with your new Dasani!

  23. I only drink water. I like just plain water…..nothing added. This is interesting though

  24. The flavor it more important to me, but some good fizz sometimes is nice.

  25. These look so refreshing and would be great with the weather warming up. I am sure the drops would help me up my water intake too.

  26. I gave up soda a few years ago, and switched to sparkling water. It’s such a great substitute for when you want a bubbly drink without all the calories and artificial sweeteners!

  27. I bet they both are good. Maybe this would help me drink more water during the day.

  28. I think I deserve a combo of both. I do love a good fizz but sometimes just need a little bit of flavor, especially at night.

  29. I love fizzy drinks as well. This is why it was so hard for me to quit drinking soda.

  30. I use Dasani Drop Infusions all the time. It helps me drink more water every day. So many great flavors.

  31. Yum! I’ve never tried the sparkling water before. Only the water drops! I will have to keep my eyes open for the sparkling! Looks great

  32. Those cans of sparkling water are so good. They really helped me cut down on the diet sodas.

  33. I love the fizz and I miss it so much being on a diet. This is a much better option than soda.

  34. I love both; the fizz and the flavor. I enjoy a cold soda with a hot slice of pizza. This would be a lighter, refreshing alternative.

  35. I try to get my 8 glasses of water in every day, but it’s just so boring. I love this because I can get a little flavor and fizz into my water no matter where I go.

  36. Plain water can sometimes get a little boring. I like the Dasani Drops so I can quickly and easily change up my drink.

  37. I don’t like any fizz in my drinks. I prefer flat.

  38. I have not tried either but I don’t like fizz in my water, so I think I would definitely prefer the flavored one.

  39. I love both and would love to give this a try. I actually drink Dasani water and think this would be nice after a quick workout at the gym.

  40. Robin (Masshole Mommy)

    I definitely like both, which is why I drink so much soda. I need to try this!!