Divinely Delicious Crisp Sugar Cookies Recipe

I’ve been a fan of Taste of Home since I was a young(er) housewife.  My mother-in-law, who wanted to ensure her son had a good home cooked meal, gave me a subscription.  I had taught myself how to cook when I was a teenager with help from some of my aunts who made dishes I liked.  Once I received a subscription to Taste of Home,  I spent hours browsing through the pages and finding recipes to create.  I liked the simple, down to earth explanations and the biographies of the featured cooks or the blurbs that shared stories behind the recipes.  Later, when I had children, I subscribed to their sister magazine,  Simple & Delicious.  Every other month when we receive our copy the kids grab the magazine and show me dishes they want me to prepare.

Naturally, I (and the kids) were delighted to receive a copy of Taste of Home Best Loved Recipes. This isn’t a  small, wimpy cookbook. It contains 1485 favorite recipes collected by “regular” cooks  who prepare home cooked meals for their families.  While some of the recipes are fancier and more complicated than others, most of them are simple enough for the beginning cook.  The book is divided into twenty-six sections  including the usual appetizers,  salads and main courses. What sets this book apart is the specialty sections featuring recipes from their Grand Prize winners and contributors.  There’s even a Mom Made It Best section that showcases favorite meals made by reader’s mom.  My favorite section is the Mealtime Express.  I have to admit I turn to this section first in my Taste of Home magazine when it arrives.  Each grouping showcases a complete meal,  three or four recipes, that can be served together and most of which can be prepared in 30 minutes or less.   If I find a recipe in the grouping that I don’t think my family will enjoy—due to their pickiness—I simply substitute another recipe from this section my family would enjoy.  It’s bragging rights worthy food that looks like I fussed when I didn’t.  Can’t get better than that!

My only complaint with the cookbook versus the magazine is that there are fewer pictures in the cookbook.  While there are still sections of mouth-watering,  drool worthy pictures, they are scattered into sections and not beside the recipe.

I’ve included the recipe for Crisp Sugar Cookies from the Cookies and Bars section. These taste as good as they look and can be decorated for any season. Ours are made with a Spring/Easter type vibe.
1 cup butter, softened
2 cups sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
5 cups all purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup milk
In a large bowl, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the eggs and vanilla, Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt; add to creamed mixture alternately with milk. Cover and refrigerate for 15-30 minutes or until easy to handle. On a floured surface, roll out dough to 1/8 inch thickness. Cut out cookies into desired shapes. Place 2 inches apart on greased cookie sheets. Bake cookies at 350 degrees for 10 minutes or until the edges are lightly browned.  Remove to wire racks. Let cool and then decorate as desired.

I am disclosing in accordance with the CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. I was not asked to provide anything other than my honest opinion.


  1. I am trying this today!!

  2. YUM.. I love Taste of Home; I have to check out these sugar cookies.. perfect for a saturday to keep the kids entertained. Thanks for a great book review.

  3. HA! I had to laugh at the part where you said you MIL bought it so her son would have a good meal. Is your husband’s name RAYMOND? teehee

  4. I am amazed at how many recipes are in this book! Thank you for this recipe for sugar cookies. They are a favorite in my home.

  5. What a great recipe – they look really tasty… I love finding ‘classics’ to make family favorites!

  6. Yum, what a fun idea! Those look tasty! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  7. 1400 recipes in one book! Love it! I could spend hours reading this cookbook.

  8. This would be such a nice magazine to own. I love the recipe you shared. Thank you.

  9. Bookmarking this one to use for Easter – looks like they will be a real crowd pleaser and I know the kids will have loads of fun decorating!

  10. This is an amazing recipe!!

  11. I am going to have to try this recipe. Thanks for posting it. Pinned to save and share.