Flavor and Philantrophy with Dr. Pepper Snapple

Dr. Pepper Snapple paid my travel expenses to attend this #DPSFlavorTour  event, but all opinions are my own.

I am a (diet) soda fanatic and enjoy helping others whenever I can. Naturally,  when the Dr. Pepper Snapple group invited me to  spend a couple of days touring their research and development department in Plano, Texas, as well as participate in a local philanthropic event for the #DPSFlavorTour, I said, “Of course!”  Later, I asked myself, “Wait! Did I just agree to help build a playground in 110 degree Texas heat? Yes, yes, I did.”
Dr Pepper Snapple

Our first day was spent touring the Research and Development Facilities and meeting the Dr. Pepper Snapple Team.  I wasn’t sure what I was expecting, but I was amazed at the science behind the production and development of new products and old favorites.  Did you know there are more than 50 products in the DPS portfolio, including Motts, Hawaiian Punch, Snapple, 7-Up, Canada Dry and more? They are also expanding into other markets, like Dr. Pepper flavored Jelly Belly beans and Stubbs Dr. Pepper Based Bar-be-que sauce. The tour began with an explanation of the analytical chemistry used to develop the formulas of each product. They had a machine that could determine the composition of anything in a matter of minutes! From there we visited the “flavor room;” a place where food scientists could develop, using man made compounds, anything from strawberry flavors to root beer flavors. We couldn’t take many pictures in the facility due to sensitive equipment, and we were the first group of actual consumers to ever tour the departments!

Motts Bacon Vodka
The Dr. Pepper Snapple Group makes over 50 products, but this Mott’s Bacon Vodka, available in Canada, captured my attention!

Dr. Pepper Snapple remains consumer focused; keeping up with the latest trends (less sugar in juice drinks per the concerns of moms, new products for men who do not see themselves as diet soda drinkers) and develops products accordingly.  The testing process is long and arduous,  with products being reformulated time after time to produce a pleasing taste.  Perhaps the most interesting discussion of the day was “Myths and Facts about Sodas.”  I have heard repeated warnings over the years about aspartame,  but never knew a banana had more of the three ingredients that comprise aspartame than a diet soda.

DPS Products
Some of the Dr. Pepper Snapple product line up.

Our second day began early as we hurried to La Academia de Estrellas. Dr. Pepper believes in “Calories In, Calories Out” and has teamed up with Kaboom and Let’s Play to bring the joy of play to children across the country. They’ve promised to donate $28 million dollars to this cause, along with thousands of volunteer hours.  We planned to participate in a full playground build for the school and a sports equipment donation project for 70 organizations around the Dallas area.  Don’t think a playground can be built in one day?  I was skeptical too. Wait until you see what these people can do.
Dr Pepper Playground before

One great thing about these service projects is the amount of community involvement. The school children were allowed to incorporate ideas of what they wanted to see, and their parents, community members, local college students and Dr. Pepper Snapple employees turned out in droves to complete the project.  By 2:15 that afternoon the entire playground had been completed and boxes of sports equipment were being delivered around the Dallas area.
ribbon cutting ceremony

I spent the morning dividing sports equipment with my teammates; Nicole, a local college student, and Ana, a mother of one of the children in the school. My afternoon was spent hauling mulch to the playground and, when that proved to be too hot and exhausting, volunteering for the clean up crew.  I left the site tired, dirty and sweaty, but also amazed,  uplifted and full of pride in our accomplishment.  If you ever have the chance to volunteer for a Let’s Play project, I highly recommend it.
Good Sports

The Dr. Pepper Snapple group has my respect for their commitment to consumers and the community. If you would like to learn more about volunteering, you can visit Let’s Play, Good Sports or Kaboom. Do you have a favorite Dr. Pepper Snapple product?


  1. Pingback: Disclosure Information For Blogs: Reviews & Sponsored Posts

  2. I don’t eat bacon, but I want to try that vodka! LOL!

  3. What an awesome experience. It’s great when companies give back.

  4. Is it bad that I want to try the vodka! Glad you had funn, I’m sure you learned a lot.

  5. Didn’t know how many flavors there were, that’s a heck of a lot!

  6. What an awesome trip Pam! That Bacon Vodka is probably something I won’t ever try.. But I’m down with Dr Pepper Snapple.

  7. I don’t often drink anything besides water, except vodka… I’ve started drinking the diet snapple packs into my water just for variation. I think this Bacon Vodka is intriguing.

  8. Volunteering just feels good. I think this is just wonderful. I haven’t volunteered yet this summer, but I fully intend to do so.

  9. Love the community involvement. That’s awesome. I’m really intrigued by the bacon vodka…

  10. How awesome! Three cheers for Dr Pepper and all the volunteers who made this playground happen. I am so proud of you for saying yes and doing a good job!

  11. Woah…bacon vodka! That’s crazy and awesome.

  12. What a fun event! I always enjoy Snapple. They have the best flavors!!

  13. This looks like a fantastic playground. Our local park just got a remodel and the kids love it. I enjoy Snapple. They have so many great flavors to choose from.

  14. It’s always nice to hear about a company that gives back. I know that sports equipment will be put to good use.

  15. I do like Snapple. Bacon flavor… not sure about that.

  16. What an amazing experience and first hand tour! I love seeing companies doing more than just making great products, so refreshing to see them in the community

  17. Bacon Vodka sounds awesome. What a sweet thing for them to make that donation too!

  18. I haven’t had a snapple in a while. But I do love Snapple and they are a nice treat.

  19. This looks like a great place for kids to play. I have never tried Bacon flavored Vodka before. I will have to pick some up for my BBQ this weekend.

  20. Hmmmm bacon flavored? No thanks, but love their philanthropic efforts. Always great to see companies give back to the community

  21. I didn’t know Snapple and Dr. Pepper were related. I love them both! And kudos to you and the company for giving back to the community!

  22. Bacon is a huge hit right now in terms of flavors I am no longer shocked or surprise at seeing bacon in almost everything now. It does sound like something my husband would want to try.

  23. I am personally not a drinker, but I bet my husband would like this! He likes everything else that tastes like bacon why not his vodka lol

  24. I had no idea Dr. Pepper and Snapple, two beverage brands that I happen to love, were related. I always appreciate a company that strives to do good and give back.

  25. I didn’t realize there were so many flavors. Wow, how fun!

  26. I’ve had bacon vodka, and it’s really different. Did you get to try a bloody mary made with that?

    • The Bacon Vodka drink comes premixed with tomato juice, so it’s a premade bloody mary. Just shake and drink!

  27. Bacon Vodka sounds interesting. I would love to make a Bloody Mary with it.

  28. Sounds like a fabulous event. I don’t drink but like everyone else I’m super intrigued by bacon vodka! That sounds interesting!

  29. Snapple and Dr Pepper maybe without the vodka? It is so interesting the things they come out with and bacon? Wow, who knew?

  30. Oh my! Bacon Vodka? Gah! Too good to be true 🙂 Looks like you had a fun time!

  31. That’s awesome that you learned about so many flavor varieties. It’s always good to see the behind the scenes story of the foods and drinks that we consume.

  32. Sounds like a great event. The Bacon Vodka is very interesting. Did you get a chance to try it?

    • We were all asked if we wanted to try it. I don’t often drink, but was intrigued so I took one sip. One was enough. 🙂

  33. Although I am not so sure about the bacon flavored vodka, I do love both Dr. Pepper and Snapple. I would love to take this tour, but I think I will pass on the work out in the Texas heat! Of course, if the reward is some Dr. Pepper soda to drink, I might be persuaded to change my mind!

  34. I haven’t really tasted much of the Dr. Pepper Snapple products, so I can’t say that I do have a favorite. The bacon flavored vodka sounds like a very interesting idea that I think could end up tasting pretty good. Your trip also sounds like it would be a very interesting experience!

  35. Bacon flavored vodka? That sounds extremely interesting. I’m trying to picture that taste combination in my mind, but I just can’t do it.

    • Robin (Masshole Mommy)

      I can’t quite get there, either. We need someone in Canada to ship some down.

  36. Robin Masshole mommy

    Bacon flavored? Now I wonder what that tastes like. I had no idea they made so many flavors.