Four Ways to Freshen Up Your Summer Wardrobe

Summer is the time to show some skin, flaunt your tan, and try some new fashion combinations. Of course, if you are like me, you don’t have a fortune to spend on a new wardrobe. That’s why when I was challenged to put together new ways to wear favorite pieces of clothing, I pulled together two looks that anyone can recreate to go “better together” without breaking the bank.

My first outfit combined white denim with a glittery shirt for a fun, flirty look.

No one thinks of lace and blue jeans being better together.

1. Shop your closet.
How many of us wear everything that is in our closet? Pull everything out and see what pieces you like that you had forgotten you had. Pair them together with some of your favorite pieces to create new combinations.

2. Check out your local thrift store.
Sure you may dig through a lot of junk but you might also find something that is perfect for you. The good thing about thrift stores is that many have designed themselves to be more upscale. I scored an excellent deal on a designer shirt for 99 cents recently.

3. Simple changes can make a big difference.
By changing shoes, handbags or jewelry, outfits can take on an entirely new appearance.

4. Pair unusual items together.
Try denim with lace, glittery tops or sequins. Try flowing, flowery tops over leggings. Use your imagination!


Once you’ve found your favorites, you’ll want to keep them fresh and looking like new so they can be worn over and over.   Proper care of the fabrics, including laundry products that are gentle on fabric and remove deep seated stains, really does make clothing last longer. Plus, it always helps to have laundry products my kids aren’t allergic too.


Do you have any unusual combinations you like to pair together for summer? How do you keep your clothes looking new?  Share your tips on how you create a fashionable wardrobe on a budget with us.


  1. I love those outfits! I really need to get some new pieces for summer. Oh and I love Tide. It’s the only detergent we use. 🙂

  2. I love white jeans! I can’t wear them anymore – I’m a little “fluffy” for them now – but they used to be my favorite color pants.

    Downy products smell SO GOOD!

  3. Love your idea of pairing the lacey top with jeans. I sometimes forget you can get away with wearing jeans if you dress up your upper half like that. I enjoyed reading your ideas very much!

  4. I LOVE your glittery top! I would totally rock that! It would really brighten up my summer wardrobe! A lot of times I just need new bright tops to go with my bottoms.

  5. Thanks for the tips! I’m in such a rut – I’ve been in maternity clothes & then post-maternity clothes but I’m ready for some cute clothes again now that summer’s here & I’m losing some pregnancy weight. Thanks so much – great post!

  6. I have been stuck in my fashion department lately, thanks for the tips, I have to get out of this rut.

  7. Very cute outfit ideas, girlie! I try to wash inside out on certain things and I like using cold water too.

  8. I love adding accessories to make the outfit look a little different.

  9. Totally love that sparkly top, the color is just sooo spring! I am totally into teal and white right now! Needed some light and bright things to add to my wardrobe after a really long winter!

  10. I love those tops! As for unusual combinations…I have quite the unique sense of style so people might say that most of my outfits are a bit unusual. 😉

  11. I love how you mixed the lace top with a pair of blue jeans!

  12. Cute outfits! The top one would be fun for V-day too!

  13. really love the first top- super adorable. jewelry does a great job of dressing an outfit up or down

  14. I need to start thrifting more. I hadn’t done it in years until I needed a costume and it was amazing the deals you can find if only you look!

  15. Love the red sparkly top! I like pairing jeans with everything and we are big fans of those products as well. I’m at Target far too often, shopping there is one of my favorite downtime activities.

  16. I like that camouflage purse, very cute! I also like the red and the white jeans pairing.

  17. Tough Cookie Mommy

    These are some great tips for breathing life into anyone’s summer wardrobe. I love the one about checking out what you already have in your closet because it helps to save money.

  18. I love those outfits you laid out. They look exactly like things that I would wear.

  19. Love the cute outfits! I’m a big fan of Tide products! 🙂

  20. Love these looks! I’ve cleaned out my closet and am looking for great styles this summer.

  21. Cute outfits! Really like the first one, but they both look comfy and fun. I always forget to look in the thrift stores for accessories, that’s such a great tip!

  22. Thanks for the ideas! I need some style and fashion tips!

  23. I have not felt very creative in the fashion department lately! I do like to play around with accessories, though. I love the outfits that you created!!

  24. Jewelry always has a way of changing the look of an outfit!