Holiday Shopping Made Simple with Ebay

Have you started your holiday shopping yet? I have, thank goodness. With as many picky relatives as I have to shop for, delays can make the holidays stressful. I have a secret weapon when it comes to my holiday shopping; eBay! The convenience of shopping online anytime I have a spare moment combined with not having to fight crowds who snatch things out of my hands (yes, that has actually happened) and finding exactly what I want makes the season much less stressful for me. No wasted gas driving around town to find the item is out of stock, I simply open my front door and pick up my package. Can you tell how much I am loving shopping on eBay? If this weren’t easy enough, now eBay has an app allowing me to shop no matter where I am.

Sometimes people ask me if I am purchasing used gifts for my family when I buy online. I tell them to check out eBay’s gift guide. There are plenty of new and Buy It Now products from which to choose. I’ve made a list of some of the items my family has asked for this season.

1. Skylander’s Spiros Adventure 3 Pack Legendary Bash  requested by the nine year old who “really needs this to play Skylanders
2. Call of Duty Black Ops IIfor Xbox for my son who thinks this will be  the “best game ever
3. A Garmen GPS for my daughter who would have trouble finding her way out of our own neighborhood
4. A Vizio 32 inch LCD Flatscreen TV for my husband although I might possibly get some use from this one too
5. A Nikon Coolpix Digital Camera for my sister in law who would like to learn photography
6. A Sterling Silver Mustang Necklace for my niece who loves horses
7. A Nook Color Reader for my bookworm niece
8. A Digital Glass Fitness Weight Scale for my father who constantly complains his scale is inaccurate
9.  The Allis Chalmers Tractors Farm Tractor Color History Book for my brother in law who lives on a farm and once named his cat Allis
10. An Apple Ipad for me just because I want one.

I’ve been purchasing items on eBay for years and have found some exceptional deals. My daughter is a college freshman and we purchased several of her books for her first semester here. Believe me, it’s much cheaper than buying them through the college bookstore. Bryan had asked for a weather radio for his birthday and I was able to snap one up on eBay.

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour for Mom Central Consulting on behalf of eBay. I received a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate


  1. I’ve found great deals-I just bought a $129 Spirithood for $53 for my daughter, and i wasn’t aware of the shopping guide-thats great, but I do have the app-I like the notifications I get if I’m buying through an auction or if I get a message from a seller. (Raine on rafflecopters)

  2. I love Ebay! This Christmas I’ve bought quite a few gifts from there already.

  3. I have bought a few things on Ebay. I have a video game seller who I trust and use regularly. That is a great list!!

  4. I’ve been an ebay seller/buyer for 10 years!!

  5. I have been using eBay for the past few years and I love it. What a great list of holiday items.

  6. That’s a great list. I never would have thought to check eBay for some of those items but the prices are great. I know my husband would love the tv!

  7. I love eBay and my daughter is constantly telling me how she scores on designer shoes there! Now I have to see if my son wants Call of Duty also.

  8. I have been saved a few times by Ebay around Christmas as I’ve gotten things from their site that was sold out in the stores.

  9. People actually snatched something out of your hand?! Sheesh!!! I love eBay too. I’ve gotten so many great deals on there!

  10. What a great List.. I love eBay, too… and always start my shopping there.. thanks for sharing

  11. Ya know, I didn’t really think about the books until you mentioned it and my son is taking many online courses. So glad you said this because he needs to check there first.

  12. We LOVE ebay! it’s usually our first stop when Holiday shopping!

  13. I’m an eBay girl myself. I love the deals I can find

  14. I love shopping on eBay too! I used to make a ton of money selling on eBay around the holidays too!

  15. I am all about shopping on eBay! I just got a great deal on a new phone! I’ve been browsing lots of Hot Wheels cars for Christmas!