Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

I was always the parent who swore to never lie to my child. I had so many noble reasons I could recite. I wanted my child to always tell the truth, surely I had to always tell the truth as an example? Sometimes, as a teacher, I found I had to skirt the truth a little, especially around Christmas time to my First graders. There was always one child who told everyone else the big “S” was not real. “He is too!” they would cry, rushing to me, “Tell him Santa is real!” Caught off guard the first time, I responded, “Do you think he is real?” “Yes,” they said.  “And you think he will visit you, right?” With their nod, I said, “As long as you think he is real, then he is.” I patted myself on the back for finding a good response. But, as I discovered, being a parent is a totally different ball game.

Cloudland Canyon 3
Parenting is more like a hike than a walk in the park.

“We always tell the truth,” I would admonish, until the day my daughter, a fashionista since a young age, toddled up to someone and informed them she didn’t like their outfit. I took her aside and explained we couldn’t tell people things like that because it hurts their feelings. “You said we should always tell the truth, Mommy,” was her response, “and that was the truth. Do you want me to lie?” “No,” I said, “but if it will hurt someone’s feelings we just don’t say it to them.”  “What if they ask me?” she continued, “do I tell them the truth then?” Ah, the conundrum. “Just try to say something nice,” I said. “I think you want me to lie,” she replied. Argh! When did parenting become so hard?

Finally, I was forced to fib with my son. He had developed an irrational fear of skunks after one had managed to crawl under our old house and spray. It was not a pleasant experience for anyone.  In our new home he refused to go to sleep, terrified a skunk would come along.  In desperation we told him, “Skunks can’t come here. They aren’t allowed in the city limits.” Surprisingly, he never mentioned skunks again. I had forgotten about this until a couple of years later when we were driving on the outskirts of town and he said, “Hey! There’s a skunk! They are not allowed in the city limits! It needs to go away!”

Now we worry about chickens, not skunks.

If you think my skunk fib was bad, you need to tune in to Bloodline, the new Netflix series about the Rayburn family. They have secrets far worse than skunk prevention, and they are willing to do anything, including lying to keep them safe.

Want to discuss that pesky topic of lying with your kids?


  1. This is a great post! I love Netflix and watch it all the time! Thanks for sharing these titles.

  2. I got Netflix. Will have to check look for that show since I am always looking for new things to watch.

  3. my husband has been binge watching the walking dead lol. we love netflix.

  4. I know exactly what you mean, I’ve struggled with this myself and remember saying I would NEVER lie to MY child. Guess what, I have… little fibs, but a lie is a lie. 🙂 I’ve not heard of Bloodlines but will check it out. Right now I’m watching Supernatural on Netflix while I’m on the treadmill. I’m on season 4 and love it!

  5. LOL< at least now you have a funny story to tell. I would have fibbed to so my son could sleep again

  6. My daughter is hooked on many different series on Netflix. There are a few that she wants me to start watching.

  7. We sometimes have to get creative with what we tell our 4 year old, so he won’t repeat it or say something not so nice when he’s not with us. It can be a struggle, once they form their own little opinions!

  8. Hey we all have to do what we have to do as moms. I’ve told a fib once or twice to keep the peace in my house. I have to check this show out!

  9. I’m excited to watch Bloodlines! And the list of kids shows is great! Love Nexflix!

  10. Chrissy Mazzocchi

    Parenting is really tricky, I agree. Everyone does it differently as well but we do the best we can 🙂

  11. These are great points. It’s hard explaining the difference between nice and mean lies. I have to check out this movie!

  12. Skunks not allowed in city limits I love that one. Lying to our kids is sometimes a necessary evil.

  13. I’m chuckling because I always try to disguise my handwriting on Christmas presents. I think the kids just go with it not to hurt my feelings.

  14. I hear you, about lying to our kids. Sometimes it’s hard when you just want to protect them from being hurt/scared etc.. I will have to check some of these out on netflix!

  15. I can’t remember any conscious lies to my children. Granted, I can’t even begin to make the argument that I’m lie-free. Here are some others that had friends laughing.

  16. We love our Netflix! They have such a great variety of shows for kids and adults.

  17. Everybody lies when its in their best interest and I don’t think it’s any different as a parent…Easter Bunny, Santa, Tooth Fairy…

  18. That conversation with your daughter is hilarious! I can see something like that happening to me.

  19. I’ve been in situations like this with my daughter when she was little. Little ones are a lot smarter and clever than we give them credit for LOL!

  20. I haven’t had to cross the white lie issue yet. Fun things to look forward to.

  21. Sometimes we have to tell little white lies to get our kids out of their comfort zone. I keep seeing Bloodline on Netflix and was wondering about it. I will have to check it out!

  22. It is so hard to not lie to your kids. We know what they are ready to hear.

  23. Ah you’re right, it is a dilemma. And the kids will call you on it in an instant too!!

  24. I’ve been looking for another good show to stream, I can’t wait to watch this. I love your skunk story, you had to really think on your feet to come up with that one.

  25. That first picture is so beautiful, I really love it a lot!

  26. It’s a hard one to explain lying to be deceitful and lying to spare someones feelings. I think it’s really a learning process. Right now, I am waiting for Orange is the New Black to come back to Netflix.

  27. I love those chickens! 🙂 I’m watching Netflix as we speak!

  28. I saved Bloodline to my reel last week or so and still have not sat down to watch it. I have so many on Netflix to watch. I save those for when I am not feeling well or am officially taking a whole day off and need something to binge watch.

  29. I need to sign up for Netflix. I remember when my son found out about Santa. He turned to us and said you lied to me. I think he was more upset that we had lied to him all those years.

  30. Lying is a difficult topic since there are so many different types of lies and explaining any touchy subject to children is always extremely tough. Watching a television show or movie to start the discussion is a great idea!

  31. My girls love that Jessie show. I can’t stand It to be honest haha. I will have them check out spy school it looks awesome!

  32. My Netflix account is pretty lopsided. I watch the same tv show over and over. Thankfully, there were 9 seasons. It looks like I’m missing out though. Time to branch out!

  33. We start out with the best intentions, don’t we? I know I’ve told a fib or two to keep the calm in our household. It’s not something I’m proud of, but a mom’s gotta do what a mom’s gotta do.

  34. I think there are little fibs that all parents tell! Like Santa, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny – they’re harmless, they’re comforts to a young mind!

  35. Wait why do you guys now worry about chickens instead of skunks?

    Haven’t heard of bloodline will have to check it out!

  36. I have been wanting to watch that show, I have it on my favorites. Parenting is tricky! I even went as far to always wrap Santa’s presents in special paper not used on other gifts and I wrote the tag with my left hand! They never were the wiser!

  37. Parenting is definitely like a hike. Although I think parenting on Bloodline may be more like jumping out of an airplane. LOL I can’t wait to binge watch it!

  38. Robin (Masshole Mommy)

    I am dying to see that show bloodline! I think it sounds awesome.