Do You Need Member assist?

Member Assist

This is a sponsored post. I am a Shop Your Way blogger and all opinions are my own.

“Let’s just grab this and go.” “Do you have to stop and look at everything?” Shopping with the men in my family is always an adventure.  They don’t get my need to stop and exclaim, “This would look so great in our house!” even if I am not going to buy it.   Instead, they are the type of wham, bam, thank you ma’am, shoppers that want to get in, walk directly to the item they came for, and get out.  This can present a matter of frustration for them if they can’t find the item quickly or if they need to ask a question.

I’ve found a great solution I am not sure I am ready to share with them yet—the Members Assist on or on the Shop Your Way mobile app.  This allows them to communicate directly with an expert associate at our local Sears store!   They can ask any product- or service-related questions – from the best Mother’s or Father’s Day gifts to details on tool set or riding lawn mower  they  just purchased. They can even share photos – and the associate will directly respond with answers to service or product questions.  Pretty neat, huh? The best part is its availability—this works at more than 400 Sears stores nationwide.

Member Assist Mobile

Here’s how it works:
o Sign in to your Shop Your Way account via or the mobile app
o Choose the Member Assist app
o Select your local store
o Choose the store department best suited to answer your question
o Choose your store associate
o Text/Message/Request a call from your store associate
o A store associate will respond to your inquiry

Member Assist Mobile 2

Want to learn more about this service or the products available at Sears?

Do you enjoy shopping or would you rather get in and get out?


  1. Oh wow! I think something like this would make it so much more difficult on them though. It would be a perfect example of how technology does NOT make our lives easier. 🙂 Well maybe it would US but not them, right?

  2. This is so cool. I love that I can get quick answers

  3. I love love love Apps, guess I’m totally addicted and SOOO have to check this one out, sounds awesome… thanks for sharing

  4. This is awesome, I love the easy access and help. Checking it out now!

  5. I love that they are stepping up their game to be the best stores to shop at!

  6. Wow that’s pretty cool! I know the pain of shopping with men 🙁

  7. I love this! Sears is really stepping up their game over the competition!

  8. What a great idea! I never knew that you could talk to associates. That is smart.

  9. I do a lot of shopping online but I do like to go to to the mall. I think this app is really cool and one I will be using.

  10. Okay, how cool is this?? Shop Your Way is getting better & better by the minute! I need to get some shopping done 😉

  11. What a neat app. I can never find an associate when I need one!

  12. This is definitely a great example of top notch customer service!

  13. Wow Sears is really ahead of the game with this app! What a great way to step up the game on their rewards program.

  14. This is such a neat app. I love that they are there to really help you with your shopping experience.

  15. This is a really cool app! Shop Your Way really has some awesome perks!

  16. I love everything about Shop Your Way and this is just one more thing to love. How cool that they have added this feature.

  17. Super cool! I love how helpful they are being!

  18. oh wow that is awesome, everything at your finger tips! I love this concept!

  19. Sears really is ahead of the game with all the apps and everything that they have to offer! Love it!

  20. Now that is seriously pretty awesome!

  21. That sounds like a real interesting and helpful app.

  22. I am both kinds of shopper. Sometimes I really want to take my time and others get me in and get me out. Depends on the mood and what I am getting.

  23. Helene Cohen Bludman

    This sounds like a great idea. I hate waiting to get someone to help you in the store.

  24. What A Great App What Will They Think Of Next AWESOME Thanks!

  25. This sounds great, especially for those times when you need help in the store and can’t find anyone to answer your questions!

  26. I have to admit that I could probably use this more times than I care to admit. Really helpful!

  27. What a good idea! Every store should consider doing this!

  28. This sounds awesome and helpful, thanks for sharing.

  29. Neat app! Sounds like how I prefer to do my shopping. Get in and get out.

  30. This is a neat app and a great shopping tool!

  31. What a great app- it looks easy to use too!

  32. I love how easy and helpful this app and site is! Technology is coming a long way to making our lives easier.

  33. The Shop Your Way mobile app sounds really neat! I love that it gives you the ability to communicate directly with a store associate!

  34. That is a neat app. I have never really had issues finding help when I needed it, though.

  35. This is pretty cool. I love how you can ask questions so easily from a store associate. It’s not always that easy in a store filled with customers.