The Day Rio Became a Bat!

Halloween- and the accompanying dressing up–was always a favorite with my kids.  As they got older, they still enjoyed dressing up and handing out candy.  They didn’t want the fun too stop with themselves though and asked if we could dress up Sassie, who was an only cat at the time. We found a small cow costume at Pet Smart and tried it on her.  The result was less than impressive and involved lots of disgusted looks from Sassie and several scratched fingers and hands on our part.  Fast forward from that day to three years ago when we stopped by the animal shelter and found Rio, the Corgi mix.  “Can we dress Rio up for Halloween?” they asked.  Once again we got a costume from Pet Smart. The results went much more smoothly.  Rio didn’t mind being dressed up and loved the attention he received when walking around the neighborhood. Since then, it’s been a tradition.


This year Rio has  been given a choice.  Thanks to PetSmart, we received two of their new costumes, the Top Paw Monkey Costume and the Martha Stewart 3d Bat Costume, complete with 3d wings and ears.  The Monkey Costume fastens easily with two velcro straps and included a cloth banana held in one fist.  To top off his package, he received a fluffy, cloth caterpillar. Foster dog Minnie, who is rough on toys, chewing frisbees to bits in a single day,  really wants to play with the caterpillar, but it will be chewed up soon enough anyway.  Until then, it’s awfully cute.

One of the reasons I love PetSmart is because of their charity work to save the lives of homeless pets.  As a foster pet mom, I am excited to see the adoption fairs held in their stores.  PetSmart teams up with over 2800 animal welfare groups across North America to help pets find their forever homes, like Rio has found his.
Rio 2

What should Rio be this Halloween-a monkey or a bat?


  1. Too cute! I like Rio as a bat. My dog wouldn’t be having any of it. Total diva! LOL!

  2. Oh my goodness – that costume is so cute! My sister dresses her dog up all the time too.

  3. Those costumes are so adorable! We had a cat that loved for the kids to dress him up!

  4. So so cute! I love the stuff they have at PetSmart.

  5. I love the monkey costume! What a cute collection from PetSmart

  6. My dog was a horse one year and on top of him was the headless horsemen! I loved that costume, too bad he hated wearing it

  7. I vote for Monkey! Although they’re both pretty cute. I love pet costumes.

  8. This will be our first Halloween with our Baxter (a Shih Tzu) and can’t wait to dress him up for Halloween! I know my son definitely can’t wait! 🙂

  9. I think I like the bat. But they are both cute!!

  10. Ah so adorable! What a cute dog and he does not seem to mind the costumes either!

  11. SO cute!
    I like the monkey one. I don’t think my animals would though LOL

  12. I’m partial to cute monkeys 🙂 Love that PetSmart is doing so much for pets in need!

  13. What a cutie – and a good sport! My dog would have had no part of a costume.

  14. I love the monkey costume! It is so cute and my first choice.

  15. Hi Pam,

    I must tell you, my two year old is sitting with me as I am reading blogs tonight and she giggled and pointed at Rio and said “that doggies funny” (covered her mouth, threw her head back, and laughed some more!)

    I think it is safe to say that the Martha Stewart 3d Bat Costume is a hit!

    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Mom Does Reviews

  16. Rio looks so cute in tha bat costume. Absolutely adorable!

  17. OMGosh that is adorable! I don’t know which one I like better, they’re both so cute.

  18. We don’t celebrate Halloween in our home, but I love the idea of dressing up the pooch. Do they carry other types of dog outfits?

  19. Ha! These costume are so adorable. I need to go buy my furry little guy a new costume.

  20. Both are adorable, awe!!! I say bat, love those ears!

  21. I think the most ridiculous of the two should always win, so in that case, the monkey. It’s hilarious!

  22. We used to dress our (late) dog up and I always loved that. I think you should have Rio wear one during the day out and about and the other while handing out candy. Why choose? They are both cute!

  23. I was faced with the same dilemma last year and could not decide between two costumes so I got them both and he changed costumes after a couple hours. Petsmart has the best selection of pet costumes!

  24. Rio is quite the cutie, I can see why he gets so much attention. We only have a cat, I wish I could dress him up 😉

  25. Sooo cute… this is the first Halloween with our pup and we have been talking about dressing her up. I can’t wait to head over to Petsmart to check out their costume selections

  26. This is so cute!! I love the little monkey costume!

  27. Omg. Bring both and change him halfway thru. Love these!

  28. Those are such cute costumes. I think my husband would look at me like I am crazy thought if I tried to put a costume on the dog.

  29. This is too cute! We dressed our husky up as a ballerina once… she was not a fan! I would go with monkey!

  30. The monkey costume is adorable!!! I love the fun accessories that Petsmart has for animals!!

  31. I love dressing up my dog for the holidays! Rio makes such a cute monkey!

  32. Pets in costumes = Most awesome thing ever 🙂 Seriously. I buy mine outfits year round 🙂

  33. They are both super cute, but the monkey is adorable! I vote that.

  34. Oh so cute! My older dog, a Boxer, doesn’t really feel the need to dress up for Halloween. My little girl, a Chug, was Mrs. Captain America for her first Halloween and last year we got Wonder Woman costume hand made on Etsy. We didn’t get out with her, so we will probably use it this year. Thankfully the Etsy girl made multiple seams so when Tink grew we could let out a seem, getting more wear out of it.

  35. I love the monkey one!! He blends right in.

  36. These are so cute! I like the monkey costume.

  37. I like them both, a lot, but the monkey costume is my favorite. I wish I had a dog to dress up for Halloween.

  38. Rio is just the cutest! Who needs a bat costume when he’s got those EARS! So adorable.

  39. Rio is too cute! I knew Pet Smart carried all kinds of great pet supplies, but I didn’t know they carried costumes. Great!

  40. Love it, love it, love it! I have three dogs, and two of them are about the same size as little Rio. I love to dress them up! Although, the Grump HATES it.

  41. What a cute little pooch! Rio looks adorable in the bat costume!

  42. Omgosh, too cute!!! They are both adorable, but I’m dying over that furry monkey!

  43. These are so cute! I love the monkey one.I am not sure my dogs would appreciate being dressed up :).

  44. So cute. This is our first Halloween with our dog, Milo, and I have been debating what to dress him up as this year. I have to get to Pet Smart to see what they have for him.