Why You Should Care About Dog Dental Health

This post is sponsored by PetSmart, and the BlogPaws Professional Pet Blogger Network. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Dental Health Month, but Simply Southern Mom only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. PetSmart is not responsible for the content of this article.

To say my pets are spoiled would be an understatement. My cats when I open the pantry they should be rewarded with food/ The dogs think opening the front door must mean “walksies” or car rides.  We’ve dealt with allergies, illnesses and even kitty mood swings. I thought I was an excellent pet owner until we went to the vet one day and she discussed how we needed to implement a dental health care plan for the animals. Did you know over 80 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats show signs of dental disease by three years of age? Me either. Taking care of  dog dental health (or cat dental health!) was not as easy as it sounded. The dogs went to hide and the cats squirmed and tried to get away, twisting and turning their heads until it was impossible to do anything.  Then I made a discovery. PetSmart® sells Dental Chews. No more squirming, fussing or fighting, I just hand over a treat.  It’s so much easier!

We’ve been using Milk-Bone® Brushing Chews™ because, not only does Rio love them, when we feed him one daily, these Brushing Chews™ are as effective as brushing his dog’s teeth twice a week. It’s like we have trained Rio to brush his own teeth!  His sister, Minnie, loves the chews as much as he does. She tries to sneak extra treats when we are not looking.  She eats them so fast I couldn’t get a picture of her!
milk-bone brushing chews

Available in sizes mini, small/medium, these brushing chews are VOHC certified. It feels good knowing I am taking care of their dental health while they think they are being rewarded.  If you want to pick some up for your pet, these Brushing Chews are located separately from the treats.  The first time I tried to find them, I wandered around the store for a few minutes before locating them.  This was okay because I always find something else we need.

Pet Smart MilkBone

Want to learn more about Milk-Bone Brushing Chews?

Not sure what Rio is doing here, but the picture was so funny I wanted to include it.

Did you know February was pet dental health month? How do you take care of your pet’s teeth?


  1. We don’t have a dog at the moment. But when we get one, ill have to give these a try.

  2. Good stuff. We used to brush our dos teeth when she was a puppy. Now that she’s an adult, she won’t be bothered with us. We take her to the vet and have them do it.

    We have there dental treats and she loves them!

  3. I agree your dogs dental health is so important because it can lead to other things.

  4. This sounds like a great product to keep your dogs dental health at its best. Though we don’t have pets I can understand the difficulties involved in maintaining the dental health of pets & this looks like a great idea to get it done. Will share to my friends.

  5. I’m surprised they keep coming up with such innovative products for pets. Your dog is adorable by the way!

  6. I have two fur babies that love Milk bone products. I have there teeth checked regularly.

  7. I think it’s great that there are so many options opening up for the pups. 🙂 My mom used to brush our dog’s teeth and I laughed, but I guess she was on to something. 🙂

  8. I completely agree, dental health for your dogs is just as important as it is for you. I love that there are products out there that help with keeping your dog’s teeth clean too.

  9. It is so important to take care of our dog’s teeth. We give him Milk bone too

  10. my dog loves these. dental health for dogs is super important.

  11. Dental care is so important for pets. I have friends who finger brush their cat’s teeth.

  12. I’m not a pet owner, but I have a few friends I can share this with!

  13. I have a friend who is a vet and she stresses the importance of taking care of your pet’s teeth. I was just commenting this to my husband this week about our dog.

  14. Sadly, we just lost our baby girl. We always used milk bones for her

  15. This looks like a great product for my dog! Love Milk bones too!

  16. That’s one thing I can say about when I had a dog, I always cared about her well being, including her teeth. I love the milkbone brand, and so did my dog Flag. They were her favorite.

  17. I do not have a dog but these tips look really helpful. Thanks for sharing.

  18. My doggie needs some of these. I know the health of their teeth and gum is important

  19. My dogs love milk bone and they used to get some expensive stuff from the vet for their teeth and they hated it.

  20. Growing up, our dogs got a lot of love but that was pretty much it. I’m grateful that there are so many resources available now to care for our four-legged family members. I’ll have to pick up some more bones for my sweet pup.

  21. I love how these treats support dental health! I had no idea how important this issue was with dogs

  22. A dogs teeth are just as important as our own, I always make sure mine is looking nice and healthy!

  23. It’s so nice that these are available. To know that your dog can get a nice clean and a delicious snack at the same time must be a good feeling.

  24. I tried to brush my cats teeth once- yup didn’t go well. They now get crunchies to help keep their teeth clean.

  25. I wish I had a Dog 🙁 But I know that taking care your your dog’s teeth is so important. I will recommend Milk Bone Brushing Chews to people for #DogDentalHealth

  26. This sounds like a great product too help clean your dogs teeth. I don’t have any pets.

  27. We actually just had Dooley’s teeth cleaned. Being a newly minted senior citizen, it was time for a deep cleaning besides his chews like these.

  28. Our Beast (cat) had lots of dental issues. We even had some of his teeth pulled. But so far (thankfully!) none of the other cats have had problems.

    I wonder if there is a bone for cats to help with their dental health?

  29. We give our dog dental chews once a day. My vet told me that if a dog has a bad mouth, the bacteria can get into their blood stream and affect their liver, kidneys, and heart. Yikes!

  30. My mom swears by these – her dog is a spoiled brat. Every time someone walks into the house she thinks she gets a treat so at least these are healthy!

  31. One thing I’ve noticed over the past 20+ years is the focus on pet health has definitely increased. No more do you buy a pet and just take care of it, there are all kinds of things similar to humans to think about such as teeth. I think anyone thinking of getting a pet should be sure that they take the time and energy to care for their pets with all the new available information about their health.

  32. Robin (Masshole Mommy)

    We give our dog, Milo, dental chews that were recommended by our vet. It’s the only way we can keep his teeth clean.