Smart Shopping With June-Saving Money on Kids Clothing

“I’m freezing,” my daughter’s skype message read. “I need some clothes for cold weather and some boots for snow.” Since moving to a cold climate to attend college, the thin clothing she wore at home is not cutting it against the elements. When her hints for sending gift cards and presents of clothing failed, she resorted to the direct approach. Since my daughter considers herself to be a fashionista and wants name brands, I’ve found ways to save money without sacrificing style.

1. Shop Off Season.
Although I am having a problem with this one at the present because she Needs Clothes Now, in the past I’ve bought shirts, jeans , jackets and coats and saved them for the next year. This strategy works well unless the kids have a growth spurt and outgrow the clothes before they can wear them.

 2. Shop at Consignment stores.
Most of these stores only accept gently used clothing from the previous season so the pieces are still in style and in good condition. Selling your unwanted clothing from the previous season to the store can provide a little more spending money. Consignment stores usually come in two types, individually owned stores or chain stores. Expect to receive less money from the clothing you sell to the chain stores than the individually owned stores.

 3. Shop at Thrift Stores.
While some thrift stores do live up to their grungy reputation, if you find a store in a more upscale area, these often have brand new clothing for bargain prices. Before Blogher I stopped by my favorite thrift store and found a $200 brand name dress with the price tags still attached for $24.

4. Shop at Discount Stores or Outlet Malls.
These stores carry the same name brand clothing for a fraction of the price of their retail counterparts.

What secrets do you have for saving money on outdoor clothing?


  1. I love thrift stores and have found many name brand items like you mentioned for such a great price. I have purcahased many clothes for the grandchildren like this also.

  2. I love nothing than hitting the clearance rack with a coupon and if we’re talking my favorite department store? Watch me double it all with loyalty bucks, a coupon, a sale, and a clearence item 🙂

  3. Shop off season, that’s my number one tip! Great list!

  4. I buy jackets on clearance after the season is over – luckily we don’t need many in Miami!

  5. I try to layer so that my clothing can go through 3 seasons, with the addition of a winter coat on top! 🙂

  6. I have found a few quality stores locally that have fantastic sales so I do save money there.

  7. Those are good tips. I love TJ Maxx & Marshalls for high quality clothes at low prices.

  8. Buying end of season is fab. Places like TJ Maxx and Marshalls are also wonderful.

  9. great tips pam! i shop end of season too. i’ve gotten crazy deals on things- name brand things too!

  10. I am trying to save more money on clothes especially for my little one. I’ve been shopping eBay lately and finding great deals. Still not sure about shopping the end of season because I just can’t guess what size she will be. Thanks for the great tips!

  11. Thanks for the tips! Your daughter is adorable!

  12. Thrift stores are awesome! I would also add garage sales. I got a suit jacket at a garage sale for $1 a few years back!

  13. I am famous for tip number 1. I tend to get a few that never get used this way because my boys will jump two sizes instead of one but I always know I am getting them at a great price and the donation of un-used clothes makes me feel great.

  14. I always shop at Thrift stores first. Then if I don’t find what I need, i go garage sale shopping, and THEN I turn to online shopping. I really love doing end of season shopping. I try to guess what size my kids will be the next year, and get them their outdoor clothing in that next size up for the next year, I usually save a LOT of money this way.

  15. I try to buy at end of season too…haha I have to avoid stores otherwise so I don’t accidentally splurge!

  16. I try to buy at end of season for the next year:) I also love discount stores:)