What I Learned at The Mom’s Meet Wow Summit 2014

“Do the best you can 80% of the time and don’t worry about the other 20%,” our speaker at the Mom’s Meet WOW Summit in sunny Orlando, advised. This piece of advice resounded with me so much, I have decided to adopt it as my motto.  We’ve had our share of health problems around our house lately so, when invited to attend this summit, I jumped at the chance.  I am always up for learning about new, healthier food products and tips on how to implement a better diet, especially with my chaotic schedule.

Moms Meet Wow Summit 2014
Got to meet my friend Carlee of Fun and Frugal Mom! (She snapped this photo of us)

For anyone who has never attended Mom’s Meet WOW Summit, it’s a time to receive great advice from top healthy living and parenting experts,  attend small, interactive workshops, and meet with vendors who are developing healthy food products.  Here are some of my personal highlights of the trip.

The Gluten Free Workshop presented by Smart Flour. Obviously, having a daughter with Celiac, I know a lot about Gluten, but it is surprising and worrying how many people do not. Our presenter began by showing a clip from Jimmy Kimmel asking Gluten Free dieters if they knew what gluten was. No one did.  Gluten is a general name for the proteins found in wheat (durum, emmer, spelt, farina, farro,) rye, barley and triticale. Gluten helps foods maintain their shape, acting as a glue that holds food together.  The top tip I received from this workshop:  If you have Celiac and go out to eat, tell the server you have a wheat allergy. This cuts down on cross contamination.
JImmy Kimmel Gluten Free

Meeting the Creator and Voice Actor from Blue’s Clues.  Because, really, who doesn’t love Blue’s Clues.
Blue's Clues

Finding some new Gluten Free goodies to add to our diet.  I brought home a bag of  Party-Tizers dipping chips and they passed the kids’ taste test with flying colors.  The Canyon Bake House “wheat” bread I tasted was actually soft and had the texture of regular bread! Seriously, if you have tried gluten free bread products, a lot of them are dense and heavy. I enjoyed chatting with all the sponsors, especially  Zevia, FluNada and SweetLeaf. I’m a huge fan of the Zevia Ginger Root Beer!

What is your best advice for healthy living?


  1. Pingback: #WOWSummit 2014 Recap Part 1 - Keeping Your Cents

  2. This was such a fun event, and I am so glad that I got to meet you in person!

  3. I loved WOW Summit! I learned so much and have vowed to overturn my cheap ways with healthier ones – it is totally worth it to me to spend a bit more for organic after this conference. Great recap – love to see what others took away!

  4. Sounds like a great experience. Lots to learn while meeting other great bloggers.

  5. It looks like this was a fun event to attend! My daughter has a teacher who is intolerant to gluten so I’m sure she would have loved to attend!

  6. Sounds like it was a great conference! I find I always leave with some great inspirational info when I go as well!

  7. Sounds like you came back with some awesome tools and new info. We try to eat whole foods as much as possible.

  8. It sounds like you had a great time and learned some new things. Good for you!

  9. While my husband hasn’t been formally diagnosed with a wheat allergy, I’ve noticed that he has a reaction when he eats it (bloating, breaks out, etc). I wonder if I should try using gluten-free foods for him. Sounds like that was a great conference!

  10. This sounds like a really great summit, I am glad you left with more knowledge and information you can pass along to others. I say conferences, meetings and events are so worth it, because you leave with friendships and amazing loads of knowledge!

  11. It sounds like it was a great event, I will have to keep an eye out for those Party-tizers.

  12. This sounds like a really great conference. I’ve been working on eating healthier. I love that motto. Is so easy to focus on the things that don’t go well.

  13. I would have loved to attended the Gluten Free Workshop. That really appealed to me.

  14. My best advice is to first focus on being healthy AT HOME. The parties and families dinners can be your “20%” that aren’t so healthy but most of us eat at home the majority of the time, so if we get that set, we’ll also probably make better choices outside the home!

  15. Robin (Masshole Mommy)

    That sounds like an awesome conference. I wish I was able to go!