What to Pack In a Hospital Bag For Mom

I’ve spent a lot of time in the hospital over the past year. Actually, I’ve spent a lot of time in the hospital (mostly the emergency room) over the course of my life, but suffering Hyperemesis Gravidarum during pregnancy has made me an old pro. I can have a “go bag” packed and be headed out the door in less than ten minutes! As my due date approaches, it’s important for me to go ahead and pack a hospital bag. No one wants to be digging around for their insurance card while they’re having contractions!

Here’s what I will and won’t be taking to the hospital when baby is on the way. Justin and I will each be packing a bag, with baby getting her own little diaper bag with her supplies in it. Be sure to check out our posts on Justin’s bag and baby’s bag too!

Must Haves:
-Insurance card and photo ID. You should be able to pre-register with your hospital and get most of the pesky paperwork out of the way before your baby even thinks about appearing, but you’ll want to take these with you anyway.

-Birth plan. My birth plan is “get the baby out as safely and painlessly as possible for both of us,” but if you have any specific requests you’ll want to bring a paper copy of your birth plan with you to show your doctors and nurses.

-Cell phone and charger. Whether you’re in the ER for fluids or in full-blown labor, you’re going to want to be able to let a few people know what’s going on. Bring your cell phone to text your friends and family once baby has actually arrived, or to play some games on while you’re waiting for them to just start the IV already, dang it.

-Toiletries. The hospital will provide most toiletries if you ask, but it can definitely make you feel more human to bring your own. It’s also worth bringing your own if you have sensitive skin! Think travel sized shampoo, body wash, dry shampoo, deodorant, and plenty of ponytail holders.

-Maternity bra(s). When I was admitted to the hospital this past summer, I got trapped in the same uncomfortable bra for almost 48 hours. This was miserable, and I’m making sure it never happens again….especially when I’ll already be dealing with my milk coming in and some other not fun stuff. My hospital provides nursing pads to stick in your bra, but if yours doesn’t, you may want to stash some in your bag.

-Pillow and blanket. Yes, the hospital has these. No, you will not like them.

-Boppy pillow. Since this is the nursing pillow I’ll be using when I get home, I plan to take it with me and figure it out at the hospital, where there are plenty of friendly nurses and lactation consultants to help me.

-Outfit to wear home. This should be comfy, and is probably going to consist of my favorite yoga pants and some slip on sandals with a comfy top. You may want to consider where c-section scars are, just in case, and pack something that isn’t going to sit on top of the incision site. You could wear the clothes you came to the hospital in, but I prefer to have something clean.
what not to pack in a hospital bag for mom

What I’m Not Taking:
– Makeup. Some people feel like doing their makeup for those post-baby hospital pictures, but I know myself well enough to realize that it’s just not going to happen.

-Reading material. My mom will have plenty of time to sit in the waiting room and read her People magazine, but when I’m in the hospital, even light reading is usually the last thing on my mind.

-MP3 player or birth CD. If you want a birth and labor playlist, keep it on your phone so you don’t have extra electronics that could get lost.

-Valuables. If something gets lost in the hospital, you’re probably never getting it back. Don’t bring anything valuable, and if you have heirlooms you want pictures with right away, entrust them to someone else, like your parents or your husband.

-DSLR or digital camera. My phone will work just fine, and I don’t want my post-labor state captured in high-resolution. My hospital offers a professional photographer, and I’m sure my mom will show up with a camera, so if I change my mind, someone will be able to get my sweaty face on film.

-Special nightgown. I considered buying a fancy nightgown to wear in the hospital after delivery, but I don’t particularly want to spend money on it as I’m probably going to bleed all over it anyway. For once, the hospital gown will be acceptable.

What would you include in your labor and delivery bag?


  1. Pingback: What to Pack In A Hospital Bag For Baby

  2. Pingback: 5 Safe Natural Ways to Induce Labor

  3. Great tips! It would be fun to put together a basket for new mommy’s in the hospital too!

  4. When I had my first baby, I left out so many key items from my bag. A nursing bra was one of them. Boy do I regret that!

  5. Wow, I didn’t even think about the insurance card! Great list of things for mom, love the special nightie too

  6. I think I would probably carry the same things as you, it’s funny how many unnecessary items some people pack forgetting the basics and most essentials

  7. From delivering two babies, I learned my lesson and prepared a go bag right before giving birth. It contained all the essentials! Great list you got here.

  8. I’m not looking for babies yet, but this is a great resource! I’ll keep it for the future 😉

  9. Aww! Those photos are precious. My cousin’s wife just let us know she’s pregnant so I’ll share this blog post with her!

  10. Good article here.
    Lots of helpful advice!

  11. With my last three I as ready. With my first one I packed my pre-maternity clothes, lol. I was very young. 😉

  12. I am anal and had my hospital bag packed from the time I was 30 weeks pregnant! I used the Baby Center list.

  13. I love this list!!! It is so hard to remember at the spur of the moment what to put in your bag, I prepacked mine weeks ahead of time.

  14. I know it’s only been 2.5 years since I did this last but I’m happy to have the reminders. I can’t wait to pack my bag! Still seems soooo far away for me though!

  15. I will tell this to my wife. Such a useful post. Thanks for sharing!

  16. For me I had to have my own slippers – so I didn’t have to wear those hospital socks. I’d also make sure I had hairbands or headbands to keep my hair out of my face!

  17. Did you see the article going around Facebook this week about the woman doing her full make-up while in labor? Man, that is dedication. Chapstick and a ponytail was more my speed.

  18. It sounds like you’ve got a great list. I brought some things to do and read. I didn’t have long labors, but there was some down time before things got going.

  19. This is such a great post indeed. I’ve notice some people in people in the hospital who’s obviously not ready for giving their child a birth. They don’t have any personal things, or things for the baby. All the mommies/pregnant should read this.

  20. This is a great list of things to bring! I don’t have kids yet but imagine all of these things will come in handy after having the baby.

  21. This is a great list of thing for Mom to pack for the hospital. I will have to share this with my friend that is due to have her baby soon.

  22. I agree with your list of must haves in the hospital bag… I’m done having children now, but I can definitely share this with others!

  23. I packed a few receiving blankets. They we perfect size to cover up with while I had visitors.

    I took way to much stuff with me to the hospital. Most of it went unused. I recommend bringing your own hair brush. I didn’t use a boppy with any of my kids.

  24. This really is a great list of things to pack for the hospital for a mom! I bet this list will help many expectant Mamas out!

  25. This list is totally and utterly spot on–sharing with my expecting mom friends! Hope that good health finds you and your babe. All the best!

  26. I never thought to bring the hoppy pillow, that would have helped a lot with nursing or propping baby up.

  27. My sister just had a baby and said that without her hospital bag, life would have felt hopeless. She said she still forgot things she wish she had. A boppy was one of them.

  28. I only stayed the night as a patient for one night with one of my babies (my plan was to leave a few hours after each birth), so I didn’t really think too far ahead as far as packing went. I probably should have though, because the last baby was the one that surprised us with needing to be admitted. I at least had clothes that I had packed to wear home, but I ended up wearing them until hubby could pick up more. It would have been better to be prepared!

  29. I did bring my own jammies. I felt more comfortable in a tank and leggings then those open back gowns. Throw a sweat jacket or cardigan and it’s like your favorite couch lounging outfit.

  30. Yes! This is what I packed in my bag when I had babies.

  31. The boppy is a must!! There is so much good use for it, plus it looks pretty great in pictures 🙂

  32. Clean clothes and insurance and phone numbers are good to have. Like your list.

  33. The one thing I was really happy to have was a warm pair of socks. It was surprisingly cold in the hospital!

  34. I’ve noticed in the last few years how trendy it is to have a photographer do a birthing shoot and get the whole shebang on camera. Thankfully, I had my kids before this was a trend. 🙂 Great list of what to take to the hospital!

  35. Oh boy, I have delivered 4 little ones so I know from experience to make sure to bring hand lotion, lip gloss (hospitals are DRY) and a pair of flip flops so you can have a shower or go to the bathroom. The floors in the bathroom just don’t feel as clean as the floors in your house do.
    Congratulations on your pregnancy!

  36. I made sure I brought slippers and pajamas. I didn’t want to wear the johnny, so my own jammies were comforting to me.