Until we adopted our “furbabies” I had no idea cats had distinctive personalities. Our oldest cat, Sassie, turned ten years old in June. She has the strangest personality. Bryan says she fits right into our family, but what does he know? When she was younger she would go into our daughter’s bedroom when we were not home. There’s nothing unusual about that, but she had a strange habit. She would drag my daughter’s pajamas into the family room and try to claw them into pieces. Although she has calmed down some as she has gotten older, she is still “different.” During our recent family vacation we had some friends stop by and check on the cats each day. Sassie met them at the door, meowing. I suppose she thought it was us arriving home. Whenever they tried to pick her up, she would bite them and run to hide under our bed.
Sassie, The Cat That Bites
Mitzie, our cat who just turned one, also exhibits strange cat behavior. We adopted her from the high kill animal shelter when she was six weeks old but she has always been “jumpy.” She is the perfect example of a “scaredy cat.” Noises scare her, movement scares her, basically, everything scares her. When she is stressed, which is often, she licks the fur off of her body, leaving bald patches. The vet has told us to “redirect her behavior” when she begins to lick herself. This is easier said than done! I’ve tried toys, food and attention but nothing stops her incessant licking.
Mitzie, the bald cat
We’ve only had our new kitten, Okie, for two weeks. He hasn’t developed many strange habits yet , but given time and our family pet history , I am sure he will. Presently he’s still young enough to sleep most of the time and gnaw on our ears when we try to lie down. I guess that means he’s ready to start his strange habits.
Okie, the ear nibbler
Do you have pets? Do they exhibit unusual behavior?
I have 2 cats, siblings from the same litter, and if you didn’t kn ow it you wouldnt figure it out. On is calm, lies around, acts like a cat. The other is a wild thing, flies through the o house, and literally bounces off walls!
We have three cats and each is uniquely different, Houdini, the hider and “talks” a great deal; Miss Priss, The grandma and very well mannered with the longest whiskers we have ever seen on a cat; and Budge, the fat cat that just keeps getting fatter but is very loving and is the alpha, I can only assume because she is bigger than everyone else!
Love the pics! 🙂
I love your furbabies! 🙂
Everyone tells me my cat, “Trip” is weird. I don’t care, I adore him. He’s like Mitzie that he’s a bit of a scardy-cat and licks off his fur, yet he’s the bravest one around the dogs, that’s interesting because he only has three legs.
He’s also playful like a kitten and the cuddliest, sweetest cat I’ve seen in a seriously long time. He loves everyone.
My goliath is a scaredy cat, too. It’s funny because he’s the biggest in the house!
I wish I could have a cat but my son is allergic although we do have a pet parakeet. his strange habbit is that he likes to give kisses and make a kissy sound. He also does a wolf wistle. He loves salt although that is not good for him and he will try to get into your food while eating. My husband was eating cereal one time and he fell right in his bowl he is just too curious.
so cute! okie is really adorable 🙂
I dont get to have cats because of allergies. I do have a strange dog, though! Gotta love pets and their quirks!
I love how Sassie looks and Okie looks just like my Athena, who is grown. I have 3 inside cats and feed a couple outside who just wandered up. All of mine were stray kittens and we are on a very busy street, so I brought them in. I have one that is scared of quick movements, another one that is scared of thunder and Zeus is scared of people! LOL I love them all though.
That’s a very cute, and quirky, little family of cats you have. Okie looks very content and happy with you. 🙂
My 82lb dog sits on chairs as if he is a human and even lays out on my sun chair. Otherwise they are pretty average and have all the bad traits like digging!!!!
Sassy has such a distinguished look about her
LOL – “Sassie the cat that bites” 🙂 Your fur babies are gorgeous! We’ve actually had two tuxedos like Okie and they are one of my favorite breeds!